Friday, August 24, 2012

Sweet Nothings...

What could be better on a Summer morning than fresh fruit?...
...Fresh fruit dipped in chocolate!!

These images embody so many things to me.
Pure yumminess...
...Not to mention a spectacular moment in the front yard of the the little gray house.

It all started with strawberries.
My girlies finished the container off in a matter of minutes and were begging for more fruit to experiment with.
I sent them to the front lawn with a heart shaped bowl, because I love them and am a complete dork...
The heart overflowed with grapes.
...then Margo.
...then kiwi.
The kids topped the chocolaty, but nutritious feast off by eating all of our blueberries, then heading back for two more kiwi!
Who am I to deny my children fruit?!
I readily handed it over.
Our kitchen lies barren of fruit.
This is rare.
I wasn't sure what today would hold. - Thought that it would be a "do nothing kind of a day." One spent with hours of household chores and yard work and the kids begging me to bring them places.
Now I know not to be concerned.

Remind me to keep the car parked in the driveway more often.

Nothings turn into strawberry filled hearts and little girls begging to spend the whole day at home.

Photos were taken by "me" and edited using Instagram.

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