Yesterday I had a laugh my butt off, until I nearly peed in my pants moment... thanks to my girls.
At the ages of ten, seven and newly six, they have unique perspectives on the world...
...and on vocabulary.
My kids stay after school each day in our district's "scope" program. For those of you unfamiliar with Scope I'll define: It is an aftercare program often located at your child's school or at a local site that is "bus-able." - A true GEM! Some refer to it as the milk and cookies program. The kids are supervised by licensed educators/caregivers and have homework time (including HW help), play time, craft time, playground time (when weather permits) and are given a healthy snack.
I pick my kids up when my school day is over. On the average day they are so wrapped up in snowflake making, lego building or drawing that they beg me to leave and come back later!
That makes me want to shed a mommy tear...but I'm so happy that they have a good time there that I always sniff it away before it escapes.
Grace came running across the all purpose room, arms outstretched...
Holy! I was going to get a hug...No go aways today. --Smile.
"So Mom, I was talking to a boy."
Me: "Oh." (thinking..Boy...Hmmmm.)
"I asked him where his tentacles are and how many does he have."
Me: (Nearly choking while turning away at an attempt to control my laughter.) "Graaaacie...Where did you here about tentacles?... What are those?"
"I don't remember, but all of the kids are talking about them. "
Me: "They are?! Ooooh...but why? Can you explain this to me?"
"But Mom, wait. There's more."
Me: (Thinking, Dear God, what more could there possibly be?)
"The boy, he's over there...(pointing across to the right corner of the room at a group of boys playing Connect Four) He didn't tell me."
Me: "Well, what did he say when you asked him that?"
"The boy just stared at me and didn't say anything. Then he said that he didn't know. So I said...I don't understand?! How could you not know about your own body and your tentacles?! - I don't get it. It's gross too."
Then she turned, realizing that I was of no use to her, grabbed Chloe's arm, whispered something and dragged her away.
I stood dumbfounded.
What just happened?!
- Better yet I wonder what the conversation at that little boy's house will be like if he asks his parents ...where his tentacles are?!
Could there be a phone call in the future? Who knows. We don't know this family. I just might sit back and let Jimbo tackle this one!
That's bound to be good!
- Stay tuned for the creative conclusion of The Boy With The Tentacles!
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Sandy, Sandy, Sandy...
This Sunday was like many others...
I was woken much earlier than I would have liked.
This is always the case...Two more hours some day would be delicious!
I'm guessing that I have at least a decade before this happens.
The giggles of our girls echoed through our cramped halls.
Three sets of feet ran rampant on the beaten floorboards of our little gray house.
...or was it two sets? Could someone be missing?
The dogs followed suit, barking at their heels...
I moaned, stretched and stared at our Tiny.
She was resting on her elbows at the foot of the bed.
"Mom, my tummy is rumbling. I think I have a belly ache. Am I sick? Can you kiss my head?"
Me: Chloe, you're hungry. It's breakfast time. Don't worry."
ahhh...almost there.
"No, really... Kiss my head please."
Get-Out-Of-Bed-Ritual interrupted.
Me: "OK Chlo. (leaning and smooching) Chloe you're fine. What would you like for breakfast? You're tummy just needs food.
Chloe: "No. I just need Moshi Monsters. Can you sign me up? Addi has had lots of time on Moshi and that's not fair."
There we go.
That's why I didn't hear all of the feet... or cries of the wounded.
The kids grow while our house shrink wraps around them.
Honest fun typically gets messy, especially in p.j.'s.
Computer fun is much more entertaining.
Addi was online, cuddled up in her warmest blanket, face aglow by the un-natural light of the monitor.
She likes to hang out in the world of Moshi. Cute, imaginary critters grow pets called moshlings in their gardens, journey to strange lands, go on impossible missions given by a little furry dude resembling Obi-Wan Kenobi and visit the domains of other cyber critter buddies.
Did I mention that there are math games in this world?
Earn rocks (this has nothing to do with drug use...glowy little stones...think semi-precious)
Complete tasks and score high on the puzzles.
Smart, smart gamer creator people! They knew how to make the parents happy.
- Math and fuzzy, weird but lovable critters roam our laptops these days.
- I rarely get my imac anymore.
-Jim, on occassion is allowed use of his pc.
Do we mind?...NOPE.
We monitor usage and allot what we consider to be fair amounts of computer time.
After the rigor of the school week this is their much deserved down time...mine too!
Back to Chlo-Chlo's tummy!
Breakfast was being made...
"Sunshine Eggs" and toast for our earliest to rise...
Scrambled with cheese for our oldest...
French toast with a side of syrup for Tiny...
A complicated egg white, bacon, cheese and hot sauce wrap for my big guy...
As for me, I picked as I cooked and enjoyed my flavored coffee.
French Vanilla...AAAAaaahhhhhhh.
Sunday morning bliss.
I looked outside of our cheery bay window half expecting to see the birdhouses that the girls made with Jim, swaying in the breeze.
Instead I saw my not-so-lovely, beaten and battered front yard...and what remained of the colorful houses on the porch table.
I poured another cup of coffee and thought... "Thank you Sandy."
Then I looked back to my kids.
They were teaching each other gaming short cuts and looking for the rarest moshi's together.
The AAAaaaaahhhhhh...n my Sunday was back again.
There is a roof that needs to be replaced...
A bedroom that requires a whole lot of love...walls, ceiling and flooring,..
The driveway is non existent while the garage is teetering to the left and raised two feet on the right...sounds like a circus act doesn't it?
Our dogged eared picket fence is now peace mealed together, looking like a pack of hounds chewed it up...
Every morning we wake to find new stress cracks in the ceiling thanks to the shift that our home made when the oak hit.
You know what?
I count us amongst the lucky.
This is all just "stuff."
It will be fixed.
What matters most are the little girls at my kitchen table.
-and yeas, hungry!!
Life goes on as I pour another cup of coffee.
I had to giggle. Spell check does not recognize: Obi-Wan; Moshi; Moshlings; Kenobi: pc or cyber!
I was woken much earlier than I would have liked.
This is always the case...Two more hours some day would be delicious!
I'm guessing that I have at least a decade before this happens.
The giggles of our girls echoed through our cramped halls.
Three sets of feet ran rampant on the beaten floorboards of our little gray house.
...or was it two sets? Could someone be missing?
The dogs followed suit, barking at their heels...
I moaned, stretched and stared at our Tiny.
She was resting on her elbows at the foot of the bed.
"Mom, my tummy is rumbling. I think I have a belly ache. Am I sick? Can you kiss my head?"
Me: Chloe, you're hungry. It's breakfast time. Don't worry."
ahhh...almost there.
"No, really... Kiss my head please."
Get-Out-Of-Bed-Ritual interrupted.
Me: "OK Chlo. (leaning and smooching) Chloe you're fine. What would you like for breakfast? You're tummy just needs food.
Chloe: "No. I just need Moshi Monsters. Can you sign me up? Addi has had lots of time on Moshi and that's not fair."
There we go.
That's why I didn't hear all of the feet... or cries of the wounded.
The kids grow while our house shrink wraps around them.
Honest fun typically gets messy, especially in p.j.'s.
Computer fun is much more entertaining.
Addi was online, cuddled up in her warmest blanket, face aglow by the un-natural light of the monitor.
She likes to hang out in the world of Moshi. Cute, imaginary critters grow pets called moshlings in their gardens, journey to strange lands, go on impossible missions given by a little furry dude resembling Obi-Wan Kenobi and visit the domains of other cyber critter buddies.
Did I mention that there are math games in this world?
Earn rocks (this has nothing to do with drug use...glowy little stones...think semi-precious)
Complete tasks and score high on the puzzles.
Smart, smart gamer creator people! They knew how to make the parents happy.
- Math and fuzzy, weird but lovable critters roam our laptops these days.
- I rarely get my imac anymore.
-Jim, on occassion is allowed use of his pc.
Do we mind?...NOPE.
We monitor usage and allot what we consider to be fair amounts of computer time.
After the rigor of the school week this is their much deserved down time...mine too!
Back to Chlo-Chlo's tummy!
Breakfast was being made...
"Sunshine Eggs" and toast for our earliest to rise...
Scrambled with cheese for our oldest...
French toast with a side of syrup for Tiny...
A complicated egg white, bacon, cheese and hot sauce wrap for my big guy...
As for me, I picked as I cooked and enjoyed my flavored coffee.
French Vanilla...AAAAaaahhhhhhh.
Sunday morning bliss.
I looked outside of our cheery bay window half expecting to see the birdhouses that the girls made with Jim, swaying in the breeze.
Instead I saw my not-so-lovely, beaten and battered front yard...and what remained of the colorful houses on the porch table.
I poured another cup of coffee and thought... "Thank you Sandy."
Then I looked back to my kids.
They were teaching each other gaming short cuts and looking for the rarest moshi's together.
The AAAaaaaahhhhhh...n my Sunday was back again.
There is a roof that needs to be replaced...
A bedroom that requires a whole lot of love...walls, ceiling and flooring,..
The driveway is non existent while the garage is teetering to the left and raised two feet on the right...sounds like a circus act doesn't it?
Our dogged eared picket fence is now peace mealed together, looking like a pack of hounds chewed it up...
Every morning we wake to find new stress cracks in the ceiling thanks to the shift that our home made when the oak hit.
You know what?
I count us amongst the lucky.
This is all just "stuff."
It will be fixed.
What matters most are the little girls at my kitchen table.
-and yeas, hungry!!
Life goes on as I pour another cup of coffee.
I had to giggle. Spell check does not recognize: Obi-Wan; Moshi; Moshlings; Kenobi: pc or cyber!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Good Mommy... Bad Mommy...imommy.
I am claiming this opportunity to illustrate what it is like to be me.
After a day of teaching I long for fulfilling moments with my children and late night quiet time with my husband.
Kodak moments run rampant in my mind.
This brings me back to a famous movie line:
"Yes, Virginia...There is a Santa Claus."
...Yes Moms and Dads there are variations of "Kodak Moments."
Here's mine.
I had been promising a sticky treat of gooey wonderfulness to my girls for days.
We were drooling at the thought of them.
Life was getting in the way of our family fun.
Birthday planning...
Work schedules...
and Tutors were holding us captive.
The kids had almost given up hope.
They were done with me.
...Ready to trade me in for the newest version of "imom."
You've heard of her, right?
You know, the gizmo that puts real moms to shame. She's the wave of the future with every gaming "app" imaginable and unlimited kiddie web time. imom has the ability to accomplish each daunting task thrown her way, graciously, promptly and with out ever raising her voice or doling out a time-out.
- Thank God she doesn't exist.
Chloe, my youngest glared at me, arms folded across her chest," Mom. We're not making the apples again, right?"
Me: No baby, we are. (sounding a bit too enthusiastic for her taste)
Chloe: That's what you keep saying but we never do it.
Me: Baby, I'm sorry. We will tonight, after dinner. Sometimes our days get crazy and we run out of time. We'll make them...really.
Chloe: Pinky promise and say I PROMISE.
Me: OK. --- and I did as commanded.
The plans for a freshly baked dinner were ditched. I headed for the leftovers, saving 30 minutes of valuable time and giving us the window of opportunity that we needed.
Addi, Grace and Chloe had three different approaches.
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Addi was being her wonderful self...Look at my photographer go! |
Addi dove in head first. The thrill of the candy apple treat was too much for her to bear.
She rushed to the stove but came in last. Addi had been all wrapped up in her latest drawing and wasn't paying attention to the goings on in the kitchen. Nothing at all wrong with that...happens to me all the time!
WINK, WINK... It's what followed that sent everybody reeling.
Never wanting to be last my little, big chickie mama plowed through her younger sisters...
...and elbowed Grace in the eye!
Grace cupped her damaged eye and cried...LOUDLY.
Here it comes.
In true Gracie fashion she stated: "You ALWAYS do this! You ALWAYS push me and I get hurt. You need to wait your turn."
Addison apologized, not wanting to get sent to her room for being aggressive and in no way wanting to miss out on the candy fun.
She kindly said," I didn't mean it, really...sorry. I'm really, really sorry."
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Grace recovered quickly. |
This statement or ones like it are made on a daily basis by our Addi.
She acts on impulse and is driven by her emotions. There is nothing at all wrong with this unless you are in the middle of a growth spurt, like Addi and are rather clumsy because of it. She is my "bull in the china shop."
I remember being there. It's no fun. I feel for the poor kid...I do.
Her sisters on the other hand were not letting this slide.
This too, is becoming very familiar in our home.
Chloe chimed in...
"Addi, that was not nice! Why do you keep hurting us? You should not push people, especially your sisters. Mom, Addi should get a time out for hurting Grace...really."
I looked toward my eldest who was close to tears and utterly embarrassed...telling her not to worry, she had apologized and her sister would be worries.
Glanced at my on-the-mend middle child and assured her that it would be ok in a few minutes and pushed an icepack onto her face. She willingly held it to her wounded eye...
I swiveled left catching sight of Tiny, my youngest...arms crossed in that familiar stance, rooted in the center of the kitchen. She tapped her foot and looked my way,"Mom, what are you going to do about Addi?"
NOTHING...and please stop telling Mommy what do do. (In the calmest voice humanly possible)
Chloe started to cry
Chlo looked at me, I knelt to her height and she squeezed my breathe away with a super tight Chloe style hug.
It was beautiful.
...then I got in trouble.
The girls ran his way, candy apples in hand, strings of caramel falling from there mouths...
I smiled his way. I thought they were great too.
OOPSY. WRONG...kind of.
Jim: "What did you do? You did the exact opposite of what the dentist told us to?! Chloe isn't allowed to have caramel apples...They could rip out the new silver cap on her tooth. Remember? Bill, you're acting like an au pair new to the job. What's up? Should we sit down and discuss what the kids are allowed to do and what they can't do? Maybe go over household rules?"
My response: "Oh no. Crap.That's right. I totally forgot. It's been a long day. Bad me. Too late now..."
No more caramel apples. So glad that she had at least one. I guess that I'm a bad Mommy.
But wait! ...I'm a good Mommy!
...definitely not an imommy.
Chloe has her silver tooth. Tiny Smalls lives on...That's her new stage name.
The caramel apples were well worth it.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Remember the Song Head Over Heels by The Go-Go's?
I'm starting off with a list. Can you guess the topic?
1) The kids fell in love.
2) Jim fell in love.
3) I fell in love.
4) We all fell madly in love!...Ain't it grand?
5) Our children are temporarily responsible.
6) Everybody deserves a buddy.
7) One more fantastical reason to get up in the morning...smiling. (I hope.)
8) Temporary lapse of sanity on the part of the parents.
9) Jim and I were "the coolest parents ever" for more than five minutes.
10) Jim and I are still "the coolest parents ever" more than a week later.
If you're not sure, Here's the Topic: 10 Reasons to Buy a Puppy
The most popular reaction has been: "You work full time, have three kids, a husband, and now 2 dogs. What?! This wasn't enough?"
Alas, this is part of being 1/2 of a Gemini duo. We go a little crazy...and because there are two of us we either bring the other back to reality in a snap or very quickly join in the mahem!
Weeehhhhl...What can I say? It was a head over heels moment for us.
We were bigger kids than the kids.
We were hooked.
The puppy had stolen our hearts.
He overheard us talking. His ears perked up. His head bobbed back and forth between us, following every word.
He cocked his head to the right as if to say,"I heard what?"

Jim looked at me and said,"This would have never have happened if you hadn't come."
Me: Huh? I'm only talking about how cute he is. I don't want to get a dog.
Jim: He is cute. What kind of a dog is he?
Me: I'll ask.
Chloe: Daddy, can we get the puppy?
Jim: I can't believe this. This isn't fair. I knew that I shouldn't have come here. I'm being sandbagged.
Me: No. She's just asking a question. (smiling in my mind, poker face on the outside) Come on, if you weren't thinking about it you'd just say No. You want him!
The kids saw the action and quickly scooted over. We all played. I started calling the pup Chip. The whole family began to call the pup Chip. Jim asked,"How much is he?"
...and the rest is history.
Chip is the newest addition to the family. He's a sweet tempered little guy...a Chihuahua/Jack Russel/ possibly other breeds mix. His Mom's name is Molly and Dad's name is Studley!
We walked in for fish food and walked out with a puppy!
1) The kids fell in love.
2) Jim fell in love.
3) I fell in love.
4) We all fell madly in love!...Ain't it grand?
5) Our children are temporarily responsible.
6) Everybody deserves a buddy.
7) One more fantastical reason to get up in the morning...smiling. (I hope.)
8) Temporary lapse of sanity on the part of the parents.
9) Jim and I were "the coolest parents ever" for more than five minutes.
10) Jim and I are still "the coolest parents ever" more than a week later.
If you're not sure, Here's the Topic: 10 Reasons to Buy a Puppy
The most popular reaction has been: "You work full time, have three kids, a husband, and now 2 dogs. What?! This wasn't enough?"
Alas, this is part of being 1/2 of a Gemini duo. We go a little crazy...and because there are two of us we either bring the other back to reality in a snap or very quickly join in the mahem!
Weeehhhhl...What can I say? It was a head over heels moment for us.
We were bigger kids than the kids.
We were hooked.

He overheard us talking. His ears perked up. His head bobbed back and forth between us, following every word.
He cocked his head to the right as if to say,"I heard what?"

Me: Huh? I'm only talking about how cute he is. I don't want to get a dog.
Jim: He is cute. What kind of a dog is he?
Me: I'll ask.
Chloe: Daddy, can we get the puppy?
Jim: I can't believe this. This isn't fair. I knew that I shouldn't have come here. I'm being sandbagged.
Me: No. She's just asking a question. (smiling in my mind, poker face on the outside) Come on, if you weren't thinking about it you'd just say No. You want him!
The kids saw the action and quickly scooted over. We all played. I started calling the pup Chip. The whole family began to call the pup Chip. Jim asked,"How much is he?"
...and the rest is history.
Chip is the newest addition to the family. He's a sweet tempered little guy...a Chihuahua/Jack Russel/ possibly other breeds mix. His Mom's name is Molly and Dad's name is Studley!
We walked in for fish food and walked out with a puppy!
Our euphoric puppy state won't last forever.For now I'm loving the fact that this little guy follows our 3 yr. old lab, Lightning everywhere and that the girls have been waking early for school every morning, unprompted!! --Miracle of miracles.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Fall Slackers
The burnt umbers, blazing oranges, rusts and ruddy tones of Fall are fast approaching. The lazy days of Summer are but a fading glimmer. Afternoons spent picking mussels off of damp rocks that surface with the tide and digging our toes into the sand have been folded up safely in the corners of my mind. They are tucked away now, ready to be opened on rainy mornings. On dark, chilly, winter nights when the hope of Spring is what I need to stay warm these memories will be there.
September has come and gone. October warrants non-stop days and even busier nights. As much as I'd love to relish in all that is Fall I simply haven't got the time.
-Storyteller extraordinaire
-Cleaning woman of the stars...just kidding...more like of the Princesses.
-Chef on a clock...if it can't be done in 15 minutes than it doesn't happen on a school night.
-Cheerleader...of multiple activities. This year we have horseback riding, 5th grade play practice and gymnastics. Gotta keep morale high, high, high!!
-Did I mention TAXI??
...Oh, wait..I'm Super Mama.
-Lover??? ...Hmmmm. What's that word mean?! When this will ever fit into the daily grind I'll never know. If you figure it out tell me.
Can I squeeze in WRITER, ARTIST and possibly TRAVEL AGENT?!
I'm ready for a vacation!
To think I started out so eloquently.
Isn't this how it typically works?
We have grand plans.We envision our smiling children as they participate in their favorite sports or drama clubs.
We love the idea of it all "falling into place" in Fall.
This is exactly the point.
I adore smiling at my girlies as they tumble, twirl and jump.
I'm a proud parent.
I also LOVE Fall...
...the smells of nightly fires.
...the crunch of leaves as they crinkle under foot.
...layering sweaters, scarves and leggings make me smile. (so cozy)
...decorating for Halloween gives me happy goosebumps!
I'm also stretched so thin that I've become transparent.
Did I mention that I'm a teacher?
Have I mentioned that I hate homework.
Now that my three kids are in school I don't ever want to assign "at home projects" to my students again.
One word: PAINFUL.
The thought of torturing another parent or child makes me wince.
There are days when no one wants to do anything.
Those are the times that I think,"but what kind of a message am I sending to my daughter? I don't want her to not go...she's on a team...other people are counting on her...we don't want her to withdraw from end up walking the streets aimlessly."
I imagine a wayward teen wandering the back roads in a daze.
Then I "check my head" and remember that:
1) Our kids are KIDS
2) Our kids are REALLY GOOD KIDS
3) I'M WAY TOO DRAMATIC sometimes.
After a long day of school we all could use a day of nothingness.
Wii be's dance time!!
Future be damned...PJ's rock!
Will our children become social slackers because Mom and Dad let them skip cheer leading this week?
Think not.
My incredibly successful, overachieving, brilliant, dedicated, hard working, loving husband was given the nickname "Slack" as a teenager.
PPS- He's the farthest thing from it.
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Grace, Chloe and Addison waiting for the school bus. |
September has come and gone. October warrants non-stop days and even busier nights. As much as I'd love to relish in all that is Fall I simply haven't got the time.
-Storyteller extraordinaire
-Cleaning woman of the stars...just kidding...more like of the Princesses.
-Chef on a clock...if it can't be done in 15 minutes than it doesn't happen on a school night.
-Cheerleader...of multiple activities. This year we have horseback riding, 5th grade play practice and gymnastics. Gotta keep morale high, high, high!!
-Did I mention TAXI??
...Oh, wait..I'm Super Mama.
-Lover??? ...Hmmmm. What's that word mean?! When this will ever fit into the daily grind I'll never know. If you figure it out tell me.
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Addi, lending Grace sisterly advice. |
Can I squeeze in WRITER, ARTIST and possibly TRAVEL AGENT?!
I'm ready for a vacation!
To think I started out so eloquently.
Isn't this how it typically works?
We have grand plans.We envision our smiling children as they participate in their favorite sports or drama clubs.
We love the idea of it all "falling into place" in Fall.
This is exactly the point.
![]() |
Chloe unwinds by playing dress-up. |
I adore smiling at my girlies as they tumble, twirl and jump.
I'm a proud parent.
I also LOVE Fall...
...the smells of nightly fires.
...the crunch of leaves as they crinkle under foot.
...layering sweaters, scarves and leggings make me smile. (so cozy)
...decorating for Halloween gives me happy goosebumps!
I'm also stretched so thin that I've become transparent.
Did I mention that I'm a teacher?
Have I mentioned that I hate homework.
Now that my three kids are in school I don't ever want to assign "at home projects" to my students again.
One word: PAINFUL.
The thought of torturing another parent or child makes me wince.
There are days when no one wants to do anything.
Those are the times that I think,"but what kind of a message am I sending to my daughter? I don't want her to not go...she's on a team...other people are counting on her...we don't want her to withdraw from end up walking the streets aimlessly."
I imagine a wayward teen wandering the back roads in a daze.
Then I "check my head" and remember that:
1) Our kids are KIDS
2) Our kids are REALLY GOOD KIDS
3) I'M WAY TOO DRAMATIC sometimes.
After a long day of school we all could use a day of nothingness.
Wii be's dance time!!
Future be damned...PJ's rock!
Will our children become social slackers because Mom and Dad let them skip cheer leading this week?
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Sorry Julia!...Your head turned into a wii remote. |
My incredibly successful, overachieving, brilliant, dedicated, hard working, loving husband was given the nickname "Slack" as a teenager.
PPS- He's the farthest thing from it.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
It's Just Another Manic Saturday?!
Funny... I'm sitting here, well into the third week of school the song School's Out For Summer! is on repeat in my mind.
Hmmm...Maybe the rigor of our back-to-school schedule is finally making an imprint on my brain.
Could the run around- and around- and around be pushing me to a new level?
--or breaking point? You decide.
Am I that much closer to teacher-mommy madness?!
Just maybe...
I now have the third eye that only the wise possess.
Weekends are more desirable.
...much more special.
Can I use the word LUSTED?
"I lusted for the weekend..."
Naahhh...but you get it.
My brain knows that once Thursday hits, Friday is that much closer and the well wished for weekend isn't far from it.
Here we go.
"I long for the weekend."
"I crave the comforts of my cushy couch, fuzzy pj's and hugs from my guy and sweet daughters."
"During the school year weekends are precious."
When the first week of school was behind us and my family and I began adjusting to all that was new... nanny. teachers. students. supplies to buy. sneakers to tie and break in. afterschool activities to join. bedtime rituals.
...and the forgotten, but remembered longing for Daddy time.
Did I say flask?! I meant flash!
Saturday is now a continuation of the craziness.
It has been dubbed ERRAND DAY.
How did we let this happen?!
STUFF has gotten in the way of living life...
Oh, wait...It's part of life.
WOOOOOSH!!!!! Who stole my day?
SATURDAYS need an overhaul.
Weekends of the future should consist of:
...turning Friday into an errand morning + end of the work week combo package.
Wouldn't this be lovely?
It's an election year.
Someone pass this on to the politician that you wish to hold office.
If you are a politician.
Parents of two or more children across the country will vote you in!
Easy two...threezy.
You can sound like a buffoon during the rest of your speech/campaign/debates as long as you make this magical, mystical promise.
Longer weekends = A Content Country
This may sound corny, but stay with me...
= less stress on families who "juggle"
= less stress on children, allowing them time to be children and do homework and play sports
= kids who are more willing to learn in the classroom
= a nation of learners
= a productive/balanced future generation
= our nation on the up swing.
...followed by a decrease in the divorce rate.
...followed by a decrease in the need for divorce attorneys.
...followed by less parents having to juggle and fewer kids being shifted from home to home over the weekend...which, again = less stress all around!!
--The "folloewd by's" are me running on another of my tangents and a bit of wishful thinking.
But, hey. You get it.
Think of your own "followed by." Join in the Destruction of Errand Day fun!
Hell, Maybe I should run for office.
That was a cinch!
Hmmm...Maybe the rigor of our back-to-school schedule is finally making an imprint on my brain.
Could the run around- and around- and around be pushing me to a new level?
--or breaking point? You decide.
Am I that much closer to teacher-mommy madness?!
Just maybe...
I now have the third eye that only the wise possess.
Weekends are more desirable.
...much more special.
Can I use the word LUSTED?
"I lusted for the weekend..."
Naahhh...but you get it.
My brain knows that once Thursday hits, Friday is that much closer and the well wished for weekend isn't far from it.
Here we go.
"I long for the weekend."
"I crave the comforts of my cushy couch, fuzzy pj's and hugs from my guy and sweet daughters."
"During the school year weekends are precious."
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Back to school messes really stink. |
When the first week of school was behind us and my family and I began adjusting to all that was new... nanny. teachers. students. supplies to buy. sneakers to tie and break in. afterschool activities to join. bedtime rituals.
...and the forgotten, but remembered longing for Daddy time.
Did I say flask?! I meant flash!
It has been dubbed ERRAND DAY.
How did we let this happen?!
STUFF has gotten in the way of living life...
Oh, wait...It's part of life.
WOOOOOSH!!!!! Who stole my day?
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I attempted to clean out my supply closet and it tried to eat me!! |
SATURDAYS need an overhaul.
Weekends of the future should consist of:
...turning Friday into an errand morning + end of the work week combo package.
Wouldn't this be lovely?
It's an election year.
Someone pass this on to the politician that you wish to hold office.
If you are a politician.
Parents of two or more children across the country will vote you in!
Easy two...threezy.
You can sound like a buffoon during the rest of your speech/campaign/debates as long as you make this magical, mystical promise.
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My girls love indoor roller derby. A favorite Friday night special. |
Longer weekends = A Content Country
This may sound corny, but stay with me...
= less stress on families who "juggle"
= less stress on children, allowing them time to be children and do homework and play sports
= kids who are more willing to learn in the classroom
= a nation of learners
= a productive/balanced future generation
= our nation on the up swing.
...followed by a decrease in the divorce rate.
...followed by a decrease in the need for divorce attorneys.
...followed by less parents having to juggle and fewer kids being shifted from home to home over the weekend...which, again = less stress all around!!
--The "folloewd by's" are me running on another of my tangents and a bit of wishful thinking.
But, hey. You get it.
Think of your own "followed by." Join in the Destruction of Errand Day fun!
Hell, Maybe I should run for office.
That was a cinch!
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Grace created this after the first day of school. She even added lighting! Magic lives on beyond Summer. |
Friday, August 24, 2012
Sweet Nothings...
What could be better on a Summer morning than fresh fruit?...
...Fresh fruit dipped in chocolate!!
These images embody so many things to me.
Pure yumminess...
...Not to mention a spectacular moment in the front yard of the the little gray house.
It all started with strawberries.
My girlies finished the container off in a matter of minutes and were begging for more fruit to experiment with.
I sent them to the front lawn with a heart shaped bowl, because I love them and am a complete dork...
The heart overflowed with grapes.
...then Margo.
...then kiwi.
The kids topped the chocolaty, but nutritious feast off by eating all of our blueberries, then heading back for two more kiwi!
Who am I to deny my children fruit?!
I readily handed it over.
Our kitchen lies barren of fruit.
This is rare.
I wasn't sure what today would hold. - Thought that it would be a "do nothing kind of a day." One spent with hours of household chores and yard work and the kids begging me to bring them places.
Now I know not to be concerned.
Remind me to keep the car parked in the driveway more often.
Nothings turn into strawberry filled hearts and little girls begging to spend the whole day at home.
Photos were taken by "me" and edited using Instagram.
...Fresh fruit dipped in chocolate!!
These images embody so many things to me.
Pure yumminess...
...Not to mention a spectacular moment in the front yard of the the little gray house.
It all started with strawberries.
My girlies finished the container off in a matter of minutes and were begging for more fruit to experiment with.
I sent them to the front lawn with a heart shaped bowl, because I love them and am a complete dork...
The heart overflowed with grapes.
...then Margo.
...then kiwi.
The kids topped the chocolaty, but nutritious feast off by eating all of our blueberries, then heading back for two more kiwi!
Who am I to deny my children fruit?!
I readily handed it over.
Our kitchen lies barren of fruit.
This is rare.
I wasn't sure what today would hold. - Thought that it would be a "do nothing kind of a day." One spent with hours of household chores and yard work and the kids begging me to bring them places.
Now I know not to be concerned.
Remind me to keep the car parked in the driveway more often.
Nothings turn into strawberry filled hearts and little girls begging to spend the whole day at home.
Photos were taken by "me" and edited using Instagram.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
End of Summer Shuffle with the Back to School Blues
My house is being turned up side down room by room.
There are so many emotions to choose from. Pissed. Anxious. Annoyed. Stressed. Refreshed by Change...I'll go with Sarcasm and Humor.
This is what happens when:
A- I am home for too long.
B- Back to school mode begins to set in.
C- Friends visit from Germany.
D- I'm bored.
**Test takers go with your instincts or statistics. Scan-tron users everywhere know that ALL OF THE ABOVE is the accurate response 99.9% of the time.
Grab those #2 pencils and bubble away...
Swipe one from the 4 dozen that you just bought your child for back to school supplies.
--Or if you're me steal on of the 10 dozen that were purchased!!
That's what happens in the land of households with three or more children.
...and we wonder why #2's sell out across the country in August.
I can see the headlines already:
Due to lack of birth control in 2002-2005 the East Coast is now faced with a major pencil shortage crisis.
Will The Scantron System Ever Survive?
Can a New, More evolved system take it's place?
"I'm here with Woodrow Yellowby, President of the largest #2 pencil manufacturing company in the USA. Mr. Yellowby what are your thoughts?"
- Unfortunately the k-12 system may never fully recover. We will be forced to switch to green #5's.
Parents expect delays in writing and less cash in your pockets.
Psychologists be on alert. The sudden switch from yellow to green will be traumatic for daily users.
Boy, that was fun! Needless to say my house is still trashed and our supplies are 1/2 purchased.
My husband is under the impression that we can send our kids in with,"whatever the hell we want. If it says 5 we'll give them 2. Teacher's opinions don't know that."
I could have killed him.
You all know that I am a teacher...right?!
My guy was having "a moment."
I'll give him an inch due to wallet stress.
I'll admit, we teachers often go home knowing that our voices were unheard or ignored, after repeating several times, e-mailing and calling home...BUT COME ON HONEY!
Sorry for the "caps" outburst. I couldn't contain that one.
As a teacher there is no way that I'd ever think of sending our kids in with out ALL of their supplies.
Forget the being a teacher part.
I just couldn't do it.
The Weste. girls go to school prepared...
-Typically, over prepared.
-With everything neatly labeled in black sharpie.
-Often sporting cute designs around their names.
If they didn't I'd get "bad Mommy" looks or worse...Step on the wrong manicured toes and your children will experience play date shunning.
...and you thought that clicks ended in high school. HA!
I jest not.
Moms are political animals.
I know...I am one.
Can you tell that I'm bummed about Summer drawing to an end?
I'm having a ton of fun creatively complaining about it.
...and I'm taking you along for the ride.
Supplies will be taken care of even if that means ditching the hubby on our errand day.
Time to get back to my house.
My poor, poor house...
Addison's Room is in a state of chaos.
Upon entering the realm of double digits Addi has decided that the pink and purple horses and grassy field adorning her walls are no longer "her style."
This was ever so boldly made clear when Addison took a pencil and crossed them out on her wall! I gave a lecture on creativity- VS- vandalism.
Addi responded with several knowing "ok", "yeah", "got it" head nods. This means that it went in one ear and out the other.
When I showed Jim the latest art on the wall his comment was,"What do you expect? You've taught her to draw on the walls since she was a baby."
...I laughed.
...Again, the hubby is right!
Addi's point..."She's not a baby anymore."
The horses have to graze elsewhere.
Mommy has fond memories of painting those horses with her.
Fa and her buddy Pinky will be missed.
The mural is now half sanded away.
--Addi says that "the horses look so much better now."
--Gee, thanks kid! (I said that one out loud.)
The furniture is all over the place, mainly pushed into the center of the room.
Everything decorative is currently crammed into her closet, in plastic bags or resting on our bar.
--The bar is now loaded with piggy banks, crystal castles, breakable knick knacks and porcelain dolls.
It's a pretty mess.
Get a fresh coat of paint on the walls with in 2 days.
I have blisters on the strangest places of my fingers from sanding all afternoon. There's more sanding to come...This isn't going to be easy.
---In Retrospect---
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let an energetic, eager, Addi finger paint the grass of her mural at age two.
---HOLY TEXTURE!! (in teany, tiny strokes)
I guess the back to school manicure is out of the question.
My fingernails have whittled down to mere stubs of their former selves.
---On a Positive Note---
Addison has the most spectacular, designer furniture and accessories that she created on her own.
My kid is pretty amazing.
We're so much alike.
That's me tooting my own horn.
I laid out a tarp in the backyard.
Addi armed herself with 9 bottles of spray paint. (all hand picked at Lowes)
She and her friend Danielle attacked her dresser.
Next day...
Addi and Danielle, confident with their spraying skills, asked Gracie if she wanted to paint too.
Gracie was thrilled.
The three of them revamped her storage boxes.
Next on the list of pre-teen room decor will be a large canvass that I plan to give Addi. It'll be the finishing touch.
Jim says that he feels like he's entered a rough neighborhood in the ghetto.
Addi and Danielle say:
"It's the coolest, most amazing stuff they've ever done!"
"The room is full of Addi's real personality."
"It's all unique now like her."
---Please note...Addi's best bud Danielle is a very sweet kid. I'm so glad that she's my daughter's "best-friend-sister."
---You know, this also means that she's my adopted fourth daughter! They are joined at the hip.
---I could have been stuck with an annoying child. FWWWEEW!!
Graffiti is "IN."
Next we have the Playroom.
There's this great shelving unit that has been hanging around in it's box.
Julia and I moved it into the playroom.
Now it hangs the box. the middle of the playroom.
...not much space to play right now.
Stay up super late tomorrow night and get it put together.
This will take COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE...maybe even a five hour energy drink. (I think that they're gross and scary...But I'm on a mission.)
Then I have Our Room.
I always have our room to do!
It's better to just close the door.
Onto The Kitchen.
I have to admit, it looks pretty good!
Repairing a few rowdy wallpaper patches is on my "must do" list.
There is no Honey Do list right now.
I have off of work while my husband suffers daily.
It's all me...with some kiddo help, hopefully.
I will manage to work it all in around the beach of course!!
My lovely, German buddies could be painting during their NY vacation!
But I know that they love me and will help.
...Right girls?
There are so many emotions to choose from. Pissed. Anxious. Annoyed. Stressed. Refreshed by Change...I'll go with Sarcasm and Humor.
This is what happens when:
A- I am home for too long.
B- Back to school mode begins to set in.
C- Friends visit from Germany.
D- I'm bored.
**Test takers go with your instincts or statistics. Scan-tron users everywhere know that ALL OF THE ABOVE is the accurate response 99.9% of the time.
Grab those #2 pencils and bubble away...
Swipe one from the 4 dozen that you just bought your child for back to school supplies.
--Or if you're me steal on of the 10 dozen that were purchased!!
That's what happens in the land of households with three or more children.
...and we wonder why #2's sell out across the country in August.
I can see the headlines already:
Due to lack of birth control in 2002-2005 the East Coast is now faced with a major pencil shortage crisis.
Will The Scantron System Ever Survive?
Can a New, More evolved system take it's place?
"I'm here with Woodrow Yellowby, President of the largest #2 pencil manufacturing company in the USA. Mr. Yellowby what are your thoughts?"
- Unfortunately the k-12 system may never fully recover. We will be forced to switch to green #5's.
Parents expect delays in writing and less cash in your pockets.
Psychologists be on alert. The sudden switch from yellow to green will be traumatic for daily users.
Boy, that was fun! Needless to say my house is still trashed and our supplies are 1/2 purchased.
My husband is under the impression that we can send our kids in with,"whatever the hell we want. If it says 5 we'll give them 2. Teacher's opinions don't know that."
I could have killed him.
You all know that I am a teacher...right?!
My guy was having "a moment."
I'll give him an inch due to wallet stress.
I'll admit, we teachers often go home knowing that our voices were unheard or ignored, after repeating several times, e-mailing and calling home...BUT COME ON HONEY!
Sorry for the "caps" outburst. I couldn't contain that one.
As a teacher there is no way that I'd ever think of sending our kids in with out ALL of their supplies.
Forget the being a teacher part.
I just couldn't do it.
The Weste. girls go to school prepared...
-Typically, over prepared.
-With everything neatly labeled in black sharpie.
-Often sporting cute designs around their names.
If they didn't I'd get "bad Mommy" looks or worse...Step on the wrong manicured toes and your children will experience play date shunning.
...and you thought that clicks ended in high school. HA!
I jest not.
Moms are political animals.
I know...I am one.
Can you tell that I'm bummed about Summer drawing to an end?
I'm having a ton of fun creatively complaining about it.
...and I'm taking you along for the ride.
Supplies will be taken care of even if that means ditching the hubby on our errand day.
Time to get back to my house.
My poor, poor house...
Addison's Room is in a state of chaos.
Upon entering the realm of double digits Addi has decided that the pink and purple horses and grassy field adorning her walls are no longer "her style."
This was ever so boldly made clear when Addison took a pencil and crossed them out on her wall! I gave a lecture on creativity- VS- vandalism.
Addi responded with several knowing "ok", "yeah", "got it" head nods. This means that it went in one ear and out the other.
When I showed Jim the latest art on the wall his comment was,"What do you expect? You've taught her to draw on the walls since she was a baby."
...I laughed.
...Again, the hubby is right!
Addi's point..."She's not a baby anymore."
The horses have to graze elsewhere.
Mommy has fond memories of painting those horses with her.
Fa and her buddy Pinky will be missed.
The mural is now half sanded away.
--Addi says that "the horses look so much better now."
--Gee, thanks kid! (I said that one out loud.)
The furniture is all over the place, mainly pushed into the center of the room.
Everything decorative is currently crammed into her closet, in plastic bags or resting on our bar.
--The bar is now loaded with piggy banks, crystal castles, breakable knick knacks and porcelain dolls.
It's a pretty mess.
Get a fresh coat of paint on the walls with in 2 days.
I have blisters on the strangest places of my fingers from sanding all afternoon. There's more sanding to come...This isn't going to be easy.
---In Retrospect---
Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let an energetic, eager, Addi finger paint the grass of her mural at age two.
---HOLY TEXTURE!! (in teany, tiny strokes)
I guess the back to school manicure is out of the question.
My fingernails have whittled down to mere stubs of their former selves.
---On a Positive Note---
Addison has the most spectacular, designer furniture and accessories that she created on her own.
My kid is pretty amazing.
We're so much alike.
That's me tooting my own horn.
I laid out a tarp in the backyard.
Addi armed herself with 9 bottles of spray paint. (all hand picked at Lowes)
She and her friend Danielle attacked her dresser.
Next day...
Addi and Danielle, confident with their spraying skills, asked Gracie if she wanted to paint too.
Gracie was thrilled.
The three of them revamped her storage boxes.
Next on the list of pre-teen room decor will be a large canvass that I plan to give Addi. It'll be the finishing touch.
Jim says that he feels like he's entered a rough neighborhood in the ghetto.
Addi and Danielle say:
"It's the coolest, most amazing stuff they've ever done!"
"The room is full of Addi's real personality."
"It's all unique now like her."
---Please note...Addi's best bud Danielle is a very sweet kid. I'm so glad that she's my daughter's "best-friend-sister."
---You know, this also means that she's my adopted fourth daughter! They are joined at the hip.
---I could have been stuck with an annoying child. FWWWEEW!!
Graffiti is "IN."
Next we have the Playroom.
There's this great shelving unit that has been hanging around in it's box.
Julia and I moved it into the playroom.
Now it hangs the box. the middle of the playroom.
...not much space to play right now.
Stay up super late tomorrow night and get it put together.
This will take COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE...maybe even a five hour energy drink. (I think that they're gross and scary...But I'm on a mission.)
Then I have Our Room.
I always have our room to do!
It's better to just close the door.
Onto The Kitchen.
I have to admit, it looks pretty good!
Repairing a few rowdy wallpaper patches is on my "must do" list.
There is no Honey Do list right now.
I have off of work while my husband suffers daily.
It's all me...with some kiddo help, hopefully.
I will manage to work it all in around the beach of course!!
My lovely, German buddies could be painting during their NY vacation!
But I know that they love me and will help.
...Right girls?
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Night Rituals, Ageless Men and The Olympics!
Chloe fell asleep with Lightning on the kitchen floor. This was a favorite "hot spot" 2 yrs. ago. |
Although well rested...
I find myself drained.
There is a menagerie of mushed up, swirling, twirling, somersaulting thoughts climbing through my weary mind.
-My guy and I had our bed all to ourselves last night.
I had wonderful, uninterrupted dreams...
...My hair turned silvery white (too much bleach)
...I grew three very large chins (could this be because I have 3 growing children?)
...My arms sagged abnormally low to my belly button, as I flapped them at my sides (I think they call these wings)
... I thought of my husband and that we were growing old together, IT WAS FAST AND CRUDE but we were old together.
He hadn't aged a day!
"Wait a minute...What's going on?!...This isn't right. What's happening here?... THIS ISN'T FAIR."
His charming attempts to soothe his chair ridden wife were failures.
I didn't want to look at his youthful face let alone hear his unmarred voice.
I turned inward, away from him.
Then the alarm went off.
-Who can help me with this one?
It's not a fear of getting older. I'm freaky. I enjoy the whole getting older thing. Maybe when I'm eighty I won't. Right now I am appreciative of all that I have and often romanticize what awaits. When I tell my husband that "I cherish the thought of rocking with him, on a porch, some very wrinkly day down the road."- I truly mean it.
AH HA!!!
I've analyzed myself.
That's it.
The dream has been cracked!
This is why I love to write!!
It scared the crap out of me because he stayed frozen in youth while I moved on alone.
That's it...the alone thing.
My husband being there but not experiencing all of life with me.
But at least I saw it through to the end.
This, hasn't helped in the slightest.
Why couldn't I have had a pleasant night's sleep?!
Someone "up there" certainly is a prankster.
I can hear it now...
Sandman 1:"How are we gonna mess with this Mom tonight?!"
Sandman 2:"That's easy. Let her body rest while we play games inside her head."
Sandman 1:"Beautiful."
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Grace and Chloe...Ummm...Being themselves! |
-On average there are between 3 and 5 people in our bed.
One on each side of me, while one rests uncomfortably, on top of me. I have the honor of sweating beneath a child, her beloved "nigh night" and our comforter. This combination screams TWO things:
1) Mommy is trapped.
2)Mommy is very sweaty.
It goes kid, adult, kid, adult, kid.
Was that five?
Yup...all there.
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Chloe tired after dress up. |
Here's another popular bed arrangement:
...and Kid 3 rests in fetal position at the foot of bed like a dog.
The dog is sleeping on our slippers and smelly shoes next to the bed.
-We've tried to put sleeping bags next to him for the girls. We did our best to convince them that it was way cooler to sleep on the floor next to us than be squished with us.
Our best has never been enough. If it were this next maneuver wouldn't be so popular with the 10 and under crowd.
For those wild and crazy nights. You know, the ones that have allotted minimal REM's, we have the Spinner with a kick.
This isn't a new shot to try while out for Ladies Night.
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Grace and Addi love photo-booth sessions on the imac. |
Come on.
This one's popular with restless sleepers and lucid dreamers alike.
Mom and Dad rest comfortably until someone gets kicked in the head.
Damn it!
...then the thigh.
Tiny is on the move.
There she spins!
Watch out!
A leg crashes down on your significant other.
They yelp.
The kiddo groans.
She rolls, then is miraculously rotating 45 degrees south west.
Another blow has landed.
This time it's a swift kick to the rib cage.
A parent gets grumpy.
Kid is tossed overboard.
Did they land with the dog?
Did they wander back to their own bed?
Did I hear whimpering?
Wait...Did one of the kids say that we are mean?
No one cares. Mom and Dad have been beaten silly and are exhausted.
We'll do a head count in the morning.
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The girls... being "the girls." |
Be on the lookout for Bed Maneuvers and Synchronized Sleep Rituals during the next Olympics.
Don't miss the newest trend in night time water sports. The Sprinkler. This sport has been considered taboo for centuries. We are going public!
Timing must be precise and consistent for a minimum of 3 consecutive nights. The bed sheets must be saturated with a liquid measure of 5ml. or more to count for placement.
Look for my family!
We're sure to bring in a gold medal for the USA.
(Sprinkler days are over, knock on wood... but we have a chance in the other categories.)
Note to Julia:
Are you sure that you're going to miss all of this? Just kidding. We love you.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Summer Loveliness
I loooooove Summer?
Have I mentioned this before?
You know...
My girlies and I are beach bums.
The smell of sunblock is welcome in my house.
I spend the Winter months pining for the warmth of the sun and the bloom of flowers.
I savor every moment in my garden...the dirty nails, rough knees, hardening callouses all resulting in LOVELINESS.
Pops of color and natural, mix and match textures run rampant in my little patches of art-space...
...I mean garden!
Well...La dee da.
They really are one in the same. Art mimics life. Life is art.
Wouldn't it be nice if everything were this simple?
The local waters and oceans of the South Shore have been blissful.
It amazes me that the entire family can spend three hours wave jumping with out realizing that time has passed so quickly.
Maybe this is a sign that we should stop wishing for a Hawaiian vacation and just move there!
Just imagine...
Walking out of the classroom or office, popping on a bathing suit or better yet already having it on under your clothes...
...hopping into the car.
...grabbing the kids.
...driving a few minutes to a local shore.
...throw the boards into the water and GO!
...temperature of 80.
I'd happily settle for it!
Sounds rough doesn't it?!
The above mentioned niceties are many of the reasons why I love Long Island.
I can travel North or South and plant myself in the sand, on a beautiful shore.
My girls are fish.
They are self taught divers, flippers, tumblers and back flippers.
It comes as second nature.
It makes me so happy to watch them play in the surf, build a sand creature or boogie board with friends and family.
These are my childhood beaches.
My mother and her friends splashed in these same waters with me as a little girl.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are with my Mom at the beach.
...floating around on the huge green and white inflatable chair for hours.
...swim lessons (including never ending laps)
...wearing my Mom's very fashionable, floppy hats and visors.
...collecting shells, drift wood and beach glass.
--Taking pleasure, knowing that my Mom would surely turn them into something decorative in the future.
As a mother I am compelled to pass this joy on.
A tradition of warm, fuzzy beach memories to be cherished by a new generation of young women.
--My little ladies.
Is it silly of me to sit here at midnight by the light of my daughter's fish tank and get weepy?
I am.
I feel a little silly but there's another tear.
We parents are so blessed to be able to share such a great wealth of gifts with our children...
Here I go again. We are so lucky. So very lucky.
The next time I butt heads with one of my stubborn little ladies (-which has been happening often lately. I attribute this to the fact that we are alike. ) I will make a point to think of this moment and
"let it slide."
Maybe even take another ride to the shore.
It's so easy to get caught up in "all that is beach."

Have I mentioned this before?
You know...
My girlies and I are beach bums.
The smell of sunblock is welcome in my house.
I spend the Winter months pining for the warmth of the sun and the bloom of flowers.
I savor every moment in my garden...the dirty nails, rough knees, hardening callouses all resulting in LOVELINESS.
Pops of color and natural, mix and match textures run rampant in my little patches of art-space...
...I mean garden!
Well...La dee da.
They really are one in the same. Art mimics life. Life is art.
Wouldn't it be nice if everything were this simple?
The local waters and oceans of the South Shore have been blissful.
It amazes me that the entire family can spend three hours wave jumping with out realizing that time has passed so quickly.
Maybe this is a sign that we should stop wishing for a Hawaiian vacation and just move there!
Just imagine...
Walking out of the classroom or office, popping on a bathing suit or better yet already having it on under your clothes...
...hopping into the car.
...grabbing the kids.
...driving a few minutes to a local shore.
...throw the boards into the water and GO!
...temperature of 80.
I'd happily settle for it!
Sounds rough doesn't it?!
The above mentioned niceties are many of the reasons why I love Long Island.
I can travel North or South and plant myself in the sand, on a beautiful shore.
My girls are fish.
They are self taught divers, flippers, tumblers and back flippers.
It comes as second nature.
It makes me so happy to watch them play in the surf, build a sand creature or boogie board with friends and family.
These are my childhood beaches.
My mother and her friends splashed in these same waters with me as a little girl.
Some of my fondest childhood memories are with my Mom at the beach.
...floating around on the huge green and white inflatable chair for hours.
...swim lessons (including never ending laps)
...wearing my Mom's very fashionable, floppy hats and visors.
...collecting shells, drift wood and beach glass.
--Taking pleasure, knowing that my Mom would surely turn them into something decorative in the future.
As a mother I am compelled to pass this joy on.
A tradition of warm, fuzzy beach memories to be cherished by a new generation of young women.
--My little ladies.
Is it silly of me to sit here at midnight by the light of my daughter's fish tank and get weepy?
I am.
I feel a little silly but there's another tear.
We parents are so blessed to be able to share such a great wealth of gifts with our children...
Here I go again. We are so lucky. So very lucky.
The next time I butt heads with one of my stubborn little ladies (-which has been happening often lately. I attribute this to the fact that we are alike. ) I will make a point to think of this moment and
"let it slide."
Maybe even take another ride to the shore.
It's so easy to get caught up in "all that is beach."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Hunger Games and "Crashing"
I've been trying to regain the habit of getting up early in the morning. I desperately need to continue my "teacher schedule" rather than become a creature of the night. I'm fighting this urge with every cell of my body.
In reality I am a night owl.
The Mission: Go to Bed by 11:30 with the hubby.
Status: Failure
Here's how it went down...
Addi unexpectedly stayed up late. Since she's hit the double digits she insists on doing more "grown up" things. I think that this is really cool. I'm impressed by her efforts to make her bed, clean her room unprompted (yes, you read nagging), allow me uninterrupted sleep into the late morning hours ( 9:00 am...This is amazing!) and be kinder to her younger sisters (this too, is awesome!). She wants a degree of separation between herself and her younger siblings.
I get it.
I only wish that there were more hours in the evening so that Jim and I could afford some alone time.
We three curled up on the couch and watched some late night tv while sucking on ice pops.
There's nothing sweeter than a late night sugar free pop! ...or three!!
We assumed that Addi would pass out like so many nights before.
Her determination kept her up.
--Late nights with Mom and Dad can be checked off of the Addison Bucket List.
Jim turned in and I was left with my peppy ten year old.
I was drained... ready to hit the pillows.
Why wasn't she?
I had done my Mama best to exhaust them today.
I suppose three out of four isn't such a bad tally.
Yes, that was a four count for tonight.
-Best buddy Stephie slept over.
She and Gracie happily climbed the ladder to the top bunk, snuggled up with one another, requested bedtime glasses of water and for the shining, pink star light to be illuminated.
One... two... three...
I gave the pendant light a gentle tap and its patterns graced the ceiling in delicate swirls.
I heard Oooos and ahhhhs from above as I climbed up and gave bedtime smooches.
Chloe was passed out on the living room floor. I cradled her, carrying her off to bed.
--Fold back the blanket,
--roll her in gently,
--tuck and position the favorite nigh-night under her hand.
That was a cinch!
Addison can be tricky.
She is the queen of psyching herself out and scaring the crap out of her self while deep in thought.
Her favorite way to fall asleep is curled up with Jim and I.
Second fave would be beside me in her bed while we read together.
Tonight was one of those nights.
...I can't sleep Mom.
...I don't want to read alone.
...Can you please read and snuggle with me tonight?
Believe me I had every intention of going to sleep early...
Instead I stayed up reading until 2 am.
I don't know when Addi drifted to sleep, book sprawled across her chest.
I was submerged in the second book of The Hunger Games. I read book one, sporatically over three days and was now at the half way point of Catching Fire, after one day.
I do this sometimes.
Dive in and don't come up for air until it is imperative.
This is my relationship with art, with work, my family, sleep...
-You name it.
No big deal.
I like it this way.
--Keeps things from getting dull.
So here I am...
...five hours of sleep later.
I'm downing my second cup of coffee. This will come in handy today.
I am rallying the troops for a breakfast excursion.
I bombed the first mission but succeeded when it came to getting my butt out of bed.
I'm that much closer to total mission completion!
Today's journey will include a picnic breakfast somewhere...
I'm leaving that up to the girls.
My plan is to stay out until at least 7 pm.
...So of course an afternoon at the beach will be "a must."
I want my girlies crashed out early tonight!
I'll be making more coffee later to keep myself from crashing before Jim gets home.
**All photos in today's blog were captured by me.**
In reality I am a night owl.
The Mission: Go to Bed by 11:30 with the hubby.
Status: Failure
Here's how it went down...
Addi unexpectedly stayed up late. Since she's hit the double digits she insists on doing more "grown up" things. I think that this is really cool. I'm impressed by her efforts to make her bed, clean her room unprompted (yes, you read nagging), allow me uninterrupted sleep into the late morning hours ( 9:00 am...This is amazing!) and be kinder to her younger sisters (this too, is awesome!). She wants a degree of separation between herself and her younger siblings.
I get it.
I only wish that there were more hours in the evening so that Jim and I could afford some alone time.
We three curled up on the couch and watched some late night tv while sucking on ice pops.
There's nothing sweeter than a late night sugar free pop! ...or three!!
We assumed that Addi would pass out like so many nights before.
Her determination kept her up.
--Late nights with Mom and Dad can be checked off of the Addison Bucket List.
Jim turned in and I was left with my peppy ten year old.
I was drained... ready to hit the pillows.
Why wasn't she?
I had done my Mama best to exhaust them today.
I suppose three out of four isn't such a bad tally.
Yes, that was a four count for tonight.
-Best buddy Stephie slept over.
She and Gracie happily climbed the ladder to the top bunk, snuggled up with one another, requested bedtime glasses of water and for the shining, pink star light to be illuminated.
One... two... three...
I gave the pendant light a gentle tap and its patterns graced the ceiling in delicate swirls.
I heard Oooos and ahhhhs from above as I climbed up and gave bedtime smooches.
Chloe was passed out on the living room floor. I cradled her, carrying her off to bed.
--Fold back the blanket,
--roll her in gently,
--tuck and position the favorite nigh-night under her hand.
That was a cinch!
Addison can be tricky.
She is the queen of psyching herself out and scaring the crap out of her self while deep in thought.
Her favorite way to fall asleep is curled up with Jim and I.
Second fave would be beside me in her bed while we read together.
Tonight was one of those nights.
...I can't sleep Mom.
...I don't want to read alone.
...Can you please read and snuggle with me tonight?
Believe me I had every intention of going to sleep early...
Instead I stayed up reading until 2 am.
I don't know when Addi drifted to sleep, book sprawled across her chest.
I was submerged in the second book of The Hunger Games. I read book one, sporatically over three days and was now at the half way point of Catching Fire, after one day.
I do this sometimes.
Dive in and don't come up for air until it is imperative.
This is my relationship with art, with work, my family, sleep...
-You name it.
No big deal.
I like it this way.
--Keeps things from getting dull.
So here I am...
...five hours of sleep later.
I'm downing my second cup of coffee. This will come in handy today.
I am rallying the troops for a breakfast excursion.
I bombed the first mission but succeeded when it came to getting my butt out of bed.
I'm that much closer to total mission completion!
Today's journey will include a picnic breakfast somewhere...
I'm leaving that up to the girls.
My plan is to stay out until at least 7 pm.
...So of course an afternoon at the beach will be "a must."
I want my girlies crashed out early tonight!
I'll be making more coffee later to keep myself from crashing before Jim gets home.
**All photos in today's blog were captured by me.**
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
11 AM, FRIDAY...
11 am Friday:
Addison: Look Daddy, look... It's Cloud Kingdom!
HUH? (as he looks out of the airplane window)
Jim: What?
Addison: (pointing out of the window with a lean) See the clouds??
Jim: (with a far lean inward toward Addi) Uh huh.
Addison: It's called Cloud Kingdom. It's like James and the Giant Peach. (she looks toward Jim than at me seated across the aisle)
I thoroughly enjoy a good read and am overjoyed to hear this endearing remark. My heart was a ball of mush until reality kicked in...literally.
Addison: Do you know... STOP KICKING MY SEAT!! Do you know that book? STOP KICKING MY SEAT!
Me: Yes.
Jim: (laughs and listens)
Addison: It's just like this place in James and the...
STOP KICKING MY SEAT!! (she continues)
Did you know that my friends and I read that book?
Me: Yes, in school right?
Addison: Yeah...There were these people and creatures with big eyes and...
I turn and look through the crack between the seats and spy Miss Grace. I shoot her a "Mama look" and return to Addi's interrupted story.
Grace: I'm not kicking any seats. (very innocently)
Me: Okay.
Addison: It's just like... It's like the part... OH NO! Now I forgot thanks to my stupid sister.
I ignore the "stupid" name calling. The kid has been annoyed enough.
I hear girlie giggles from behind us. The flight continues. The kicking has stopped and Cloud Mountain has now been spotted outside Chloe's window.
Chloe: Wow! look at that!
Grace: Whoa! They are sooo close!
Addison: It's a cloud mountain now!
Dad steps in from his row.
Jim: Hey. Do you want me to separate you two? (pointing at grace and Chloe)
I laugh. --Like we have that ability on a plane?!
Jim swings back around and looks my way, slyly covering his smile.
Chloe: I want you to know, I didn't kick any seats.
Grace and Chloe quiet down. Addi gives a gruff "HMMMPFF."
The flight attendant chimes in. "Due to mild turbulance the Captain has asked that you please return your seats to an upright position...etcetera...etcetera... my seat is kicked.
Florida here we come. This is bound to be interesting!
Addison: Look Daddy, look... It's Cloud Kingdom!
HUH? (as he looks out of the airplane window)
Jim: What?
Addison: (pointing out of the window with a lean) See the clouds??
Jim: (with a far lean inward toward Addi) Uh huh.
Addison: It's called Cloud Kingdom. It's like James and the Giant Peach. (she looks toward Jim than at me seated across the aisle)
I thoroughly enjoy a good read and am overjoyed to hear this endearing remark. My heart was a ball of mush until reality kicked in...literally.
Addison: Do you know... STOP KICKING MY SEAT!! Do you know that book? STOP KICKING MY SEAT!
Me: Yes.
Jim: (laughs and listens)
Addison: It's just like this place in James and the...
STOP KICKING MY SEAT!! (she continues)
Did you know that my friends and I read that book?
Me: Yes, in school right?
Addison: Yeah...There were these people and creatures with big eyes and...
I turn and look through the crack between the seats and spy Miss Grace. I shoot her a "Mama look" and return to Addi's interrupted story.
Grace: I'm not kicking any seats. (very innocently)
Me: Okay.
Addison: It's just like... It's like the part... OH NO! Now I forgot thanks to my stupid sister.
I ignore the "stupid" name calling. The kid has been annoyed enough.
I hear girlie giggles from behind us. The flight continues. The kicking has stopped and Cloud Mountain has now been spotted outside Chloe's window.
Chloe: Wow! look at that!
Grace: Whoa! They are sooo close!
Addison: It's a cloud mountain now!
Dad steps in from his row.
Jim: Hey. Do you want me to separate you two? (pointing at grace and Chloe)
I laugh. --Like we have that ability on a plane?!
Jim swings back around and looks my way, slyly covering his smile.
Chloe: I want you to know, I didn't kick any seats.
Grace and Chloe quiet down. Addi gives a gruff "HMMMPFF."
The flight attendant chimes in. "Due to mild turbulance the Captain has asked that you please return your seats to an upright position...etcetera...etcetera... my seat is kicked.
Florida here we come. This is bound to be interesting!
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