I've been trying to regain the habit of getting up early in the morning. I desperately need to continue my "teacher schedule" rather than become a creature of the night. I'm fighting this urge with every cell of my body.
In reality I am a night owl.
The Mission: Go to Bed by 11:30 with the hubby.
Status: Failure
Here's how it went down...
Addi unexpectedly stayed up late. Since she's hit the double digits she insists on doing more "grown up" things. I think that this is really cool. I'm impressed by her efforts to make her bed, clean her room unprompted (yes, you read correctly...no nagging), allow me uninterrupted sleep into the late morning hours ( 9:00 am...This is amazing!) and be kinder to her younger sisters (this too, is awesome!). She wants a degree of separation between herself and her younger siblings.
I get it.
I only wish that there were more hours in the evening so that Jim and I could afford some alone time.
We three curled up on the couch and watched some late night tv while sucking on ice pops.
There's nothing sweeter than a late night sugar free pop! ...or three!!
We assumed that Addi would pass out like so many nights before.
Her determination kept her up.
--Late nights with Mom and Dad can be checked off of the Addison Bucket List.
Jim turned in and I was left with my peppy ten year old.
I was drained... ready to hit the pillows.
Why wasn't she?
I had done my Mama best to exhaust them today.
I suppose three out of four isn't such a bad tally.
Yes, that was a four count for tonight.
-Best buddy Stephie slept over.
She and Gracie happily climbed the ladder to the top bunk, snuggled up with one another, requested bedtime glasses of water and for the shining, pink star light to be illuminated.
One... two... three...
I gave the pendant light a gentle tap and its patterns graced the ceiling in delicate swirls.
I heard Oooos and ahhhhs from above as I climbed up and gave bedtime smooches.
Chloe was passed out on the living room floor. I cradled her, carrying her off to bed.
--Fold back the blanket,
--roll her in gently,
--tuck and position the favorite nigh-night under her hand.
That was a cinch!
Addison can be tricky.
She is the queen of psyching herself out and scaring the crap out of her self while deep in thought.
Her favorite way to fall asleep is curled up with Jim and I.
Second fave would be beside me in her bed while we read together.
Tonight was one of those nights.
...I can't sleep Mom.
...I don't want to read alone.
...Can you please read and snuggle with me tonight?
Believe me I had every intention of going to sleep early...
Instead I stayed up reading until 2 am.
I don't know when Addi drifted to sleep, book sprawled across her chest.
I was submerged in the second book of The Hunger Games. I read book one, sporatically over three days and was now at the half way point of Catching Fire, after one day.
I do this sometimes.
Dive in and don't come up for air until it is imperative.
This is my relationship with art, with work, my family, sleep...
-You name it.
No big deal.
I like it this way.
--Keeps things from getting dull.
So here I am...
...five hours of sleep later.
I'm downing my second cup of coffee. This will come in handy today.
I am rallying the troops for a breakfast excursion.
I bombed the first mission but succeeded when it came to getting my butt out of bed.
I'm that much closer to total mission completion!
Today's journey will include a picnic breakfast somewhere...
I'm leaving that up to the girls.
My plan is to stay out until at least 7 pm.
...So of course an afternoon at the beach will be "a must."
I want my girlies crashed out early tonight!
I'll be making more coffee later to keep myself from crashing before Jim gets home.
**All photos in today's blog were captured by me.**
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