Over the years the kids have blurted out some great stuff.
I'm having another of those great, laugh to myself moments.
Why didn't my Mom and Dad ever tell me that being a parent could supply endless laughter?
It's oh so nice to sit at my kitchen table, by myself and chuckle.
Let's face it parenthood also lends itself to unlimited amounts of fits, tantrums, scrapes, bruises (for kids and adults), restless nights and exhausted days!! The funny moments should be like your favorite ice cream. --Enjoy every sweet, melty lick.
La Di Da Di Da...
Ho Hummm...
Now that I've gotten that out of my system let's get back to the "stuff."
Just the other day, while at the beach, Grace had a great moment. Julia and I nearly choked on sea water because of this one.
She swam up to me, arms flapping, legs kicking wildly and announced:
Did you see me? I was focuntrating really hard and I did it!
Me: You were what?
I was focuntrating and I did it!
Me: Oh...focus and concentrating.
Me: Oh yeah, I saw. Good job focuntrating.
...FOCUNTRATING is now one of my favorite made up words.
During that next soccer game, tee-ball game or tennis match don't forget to cheer and shout: FOCUNTRATE!! FOCUNTRATE! (To my cousin Amy...Don't forget this at Amanda's next travel team soccer game.)
Yesterday Chloe had gymnastics.
THE CHALLENGE: Climb the knotted rope to the top (20 ft) and honk the horn.
Chloe sat, politely raising her hand when the coaches asked for the next volunteer.
I watched patiently, like my little girl as the kids that jumped to their feet, frantically waived their hands in air and bounced as if seizuring were chosen first.
One by one...
each little gymnast climbed.
One by one...
each floundered after a few knots, then nervously, fumbled back down the rope.
Chloe was last.
She didn't mind...I kinda did. -But that's a different story.
I watched with another Mom as Chloe proved herself a true champ!
She climbed the rope with ease and grace.
With each knot grabbed she was sure to glance in my direction and smile.
My Monkey had lived up to her nick name.
The other Mom commented," How did she do that so fast? She made it look so easy!"
I smiled,"That's my Chlo. She's fearless."
CHLOE HONKED THE HORN and slid down the length of the rope.
She high-fived her coach. The other kids crowded around her.
GO TINY! (Way to focuntrate baby!)
Coach Laura gave Chloe a certificate of achievement.
Chloe admired it as we drove home. Then my kiddo shared:
It's nice that I got this award. My friends did good jobs too. Maybe they'll get awards next time. That would be good. Their Mommy's are proud of them too.
Here's another shining example of how the next generation far exceeds the present one. My kids constantly amaze me. They are such good people.
Addi's humor can be best appreciated on paper. My eldest is typically found with a pen, marker or high lighter in hand and hoards of loose paper scattered about. There's so much creativity going on in that head of hers. She's practically bursting at the seems!
Addison walked up to me this morning...laughing to herself.
"Check this out! Do you think this is funny? This is sooo funny!"
It went very well with my morning coffee.
If you're having difficulty with the writing, the bird is saying,"Kids stay behind me and don't take a whif of that."
Addi later added a squirrel falling from the tree. The fumes were too much fort him. Behing the dead flower another dog was sketched in as well. He had an old fashioned, wooden clothespin on his nose. The text bubble read: Smell? I don't smell anything?!
She's so fast that my blog is now out dated and needs a photo upgrade!
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