Yesterday I posted a calm and collected writing. Luckily I didn't have the sanity or time to go back and edit!
The tone of the evening changed drastically after an attempted roller sakting, walking, bike riding, dog walking trip through the neighborhood.
---At times I feel that I am crazy to attempt such a feat.
How is it that my oldest, beloved child is my most wreckless?
Why is it that as I watch her my heart repeatedly leaps into my throat?
Julia was there too.
Her heart was doing the same jump as mine!
The heart trouble started before we left the driveway.
Here's one more WHY?...
I feel doomed to be constipated for the next decade.
Chloe raced into the house yelling:
"Mom! MOm? Where are you?! Addi is being dangerooouuuuss!!!!"
Me (from behind a closed door): Oh no, what is Addi doing?
Chloe: She is doing circles in the street with out even looking!! She is dangerous. There are a lot of cars on our street. Julia is scared.
Me: She is not. (in slight disbelief)
Chloe: Uh huh...She is!
Me: Ok. I'll be right out. I'm washing my hands.
Chloe: She should be in big trouble! Hurry up, ok?
With that Super Chloe booked it back outside to maintain order and be on Addi Safety Watch. Leave it to my youngest to be on high alert where her big, head in the clouds sister is concerned.
---This feels slightly backwards.
In our household the little sisters keep an eye on the big sister.
I walked outside and lo-and-behold there she was swooping across the street on her powder blue bike. Addison wasn't looking for oncoming traffic at all.
There goes the heart.
I thought that this was a silly, one time deal...that once we were on our way as a group that she'd shape up.
I'm so tired of being wrong when it comes to this stuff. For the love of God, be safe children!
Momma can't be there all of the time and I'd like to allow you more freedom.
Addi desperately craves time with out us. do things on her own or with her friends.
This shouldn't be a big deal, but after witnessing her nearly get hit by cars not once, not twice but three timess!!!
Instead I told her as calmly as possible to hop off of the bike. She had lost bike priviledges for being unsafe. Her response...
She said; What do you mean? I didn't do anyhting wrooooonnng!!
...That was a whine.
Addison is now on bike probation.
She heard lots of "I told you so's" from her younger sisters.
This, I'm sure compounded the issue...
...making Addi feel very foolish.
---At least I'm hoping that it did.
I need something hat will force her to keep her eyes on the road and off of the clover patches on the sidelines!
Maybe a little sisterly humiliation will do the trick.
Hey, it's better than being hit by a car...
...or is it?
If I'm right about this, being "one upped" by her little sisters could feel worse than the car hit...
...that is, if I'm lucky.
---Fingers crossed.
---I'm now "hated" by my almost ten year old.
If I'm right about this...It will only last an hour. TOPS!
---Wish me luck on safety patrol.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Funny In MY Mind...
There's a Blog that I came across not too long ago...
"Funny In my Mind" was the catch phrase that grabbed me and keeps me coming back for more.
Tonight, while sitting by our backyard fire pit with the family I thought of my "funny in my mind" moments.
Let's see.
Funny that we aren't roasting marshmallows.
On tonight's skewers there have been:
-pears entire fruit bowl, stabbed, smoked and enjoyed.
When my kids asked if they could try a pear after witnessing Julia roast an apple how could I turn them down?
After all, it's a creative option to the average gooey treat.
Funny in my mind that we are sitting on a displaced porch swing.
It's next to the fire because our yard has been turned up side down and backwards thanks to a handy dandy construction crew.
-No worries.
We are swinging and roasting fruit!
No one will fly into the fire tonight!
Only fruit is allowed to sizzle.
It is also funny that we have new outdoor seating opposite the swing.
It's the extra long, extra heavy ladder that has been left in the center of my yard and jutting into the swingset. You know, the place where we want the kids to swing on in the backyard.
-But hey, it acts as a great bench!
Just watch out for hot spots.
Funny that Grace wants to be Mexican or Spanish. Take your pick.
It's also funny that she doesn't know the difference and is convinced that she is one or both of them for sure because the school spent so much time teaching them Spanish this year.
Hmmmm...We have been trying to break the terrible news to her all day.
"Sorry babe, you're Swedish, German and Irish."
Her response the first few times: "No, but I really must be Spanish too."
It's Funny that I rarely see my friends until the Summer rolls around. Then the beach is partycentral. All of "the repeat families" are show up. We search each other out on the shoreline every day. Curious when a mom can't be found with her tagalongs and ever happy when they resurface with an explanation. This is a Summer town and we are tight.
So Very Funny that after I blogged about how patient and wonderful my guy is---HE SNAPPED!
Oh well, 95 degree heat in a city where you need to add an extra ten degrees for a true reading will do that. Wearing a suit in it will make it happen faster! Let's just say we had some unpleasant texting today that ended with me typing, "You had a bad day today didn't you? I love you."---Then I bought him his favorite deli sandwich for dinner. (PS- I didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to cheer the poor guy up. PPS- It worked!)
My little green house is now 1/2 white foam board and half gray. This isn't funny, but now that I think about it...It is!
Poor house. The girls are worried.
Green is a thing of the past. The new house is boring and ugly.
I say: At least the color still starts with the "G" sound. It would be super weird to say the little yellow house or the little tan house.
We'll get used to it.
In My Mind the grass is always green even when my dog turns it a crisp yellow. If I paid attention to the crunchy stuff I'd fidget with the lawn all day and never do anything worth while with my time.
It's funny, this philosophy works with most of what life throws my way.
"Funny In my Mind" was the catch phrase that grabbed me and keeps me coming back for more.
Tonight, while sitting by our backyard fire pit with the family I thought of my "funny in my mind" moments.
Let's see.
Funny that we aren't roasting marshmallows.
On tonight's skewers there have been:
-pears entire fruit bowl, stabbed, smoked and enjoyed.
When my kids asked if they could try a pear after witnessing Julia roast an apple how could I turn them down?
After all, it's a creative option to the average gooey treat.
Funny in my mind that we are sitting on a displaced porch swing.
It's next to the fire because our yard has been turned up side down and backwards thanks to a handy dandy construction crew.
-No worries.
We are swinging and roasting fruit!
No one will fly into the fire tonight!
Only fruit is allowed to sizzle.
It is also funny that we have new outdoor seating opposite the swing.
It's the extra long, extra heavy ladder that has been left in the center of my yard and jutting into the swingset. You know, the place where we want the kids to swing on in the backyard.
-But hey, it acts as a great bench!
Just watch out for hot spots.
Funny that Grace wants to be Mexican or Spanish. Take your pick.
It's also funny that she doesn't know the difference and is convinced that she is one or both of them for sure because the school spent so much time teaching them Spanish this year.
Hmmmm...We have been trying to break the terrible news to her all day.
"Sorry babe, you're Swedish, German and Irish."
Her response the first few times: "No, but I really must be Spanish too."
It's Funny that I rarely see my friends until the Summer rolls around. Then the beach is partycentral. All of "the repeat families" are show up. We search each other out on the shoreline every day. Curious when a mom can't be found with her tagalongs and ever happy when they resurface with an explanation. This is a Summer town and we are tight.
Oh well, 95 degree heat in a city where you need to add an extra ten degrees for a true reading will do that. Wearing a suit in it will make it happen faster! Let's just say we had some unpleasant texting today that ended with me typing, "You had a bad day today didn't you? I love you."---Then I bought him his favorite deli sandwich for dinner. (PS- I didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to cheer the poor guy up. PPS- It worked!)
My little green house is now 1/2 white foam board and half gray. This isn't funny, but now that I think about it...It is!
Poor house. The girls are worried.
Green is a thing of the past. The new house is boring and ugly.
I say: At least the color still starts with the "G" sound. It would be super weird to say the little yellow house or the little tan house.
We'll get used to it.
In My Mind the grass is always green even when my dog turns it a crisp yellow. If I paid attention to the crunchy stuff I'd fidget with the lawn all day and never do anything worth while with my time.
It's funny, this philosophy works with most of what life throws my way.
This is the time of year when Jim becomes increasingly jealous of my schedule...
...or lack there of!!
Each night his question remains the same:
So, what was it today?...BEACH? POOL? or BOTH?
Tonight my answer will be beach.
Hey, I can't help it. Teaching schedules are the best! He could have gone the route of the social studies professor but opted for that of the attorney.
I have ten months of teenage creativity, drama and angst to contend with and in return I am blessed with two months of Summer filled fun with my three little ladies. I say goodbye to "art teacher Mom" and am "just Mom."
We breathe in the fresh, salty air of the sea, surf in the waves on boogie boards and soak up the vitamins of the sun.
The Summer is an ongoing roller coaster of impromptu sleep overs and play dates. I typically leave the house with three kids and come home with one missing or two or three extra "temporary sisters" in tow.
---Today's sister was Danielle.
My husband gets dragged along for the ride. I'm a very lucky woman because he never complains about any of this. I know that there are dozens of late nights when he gets off of the train after a hellish (...and I mean this in many ways. Summer in the city isn't fun.) commute and wants nothing more than to veg out on the couch in his pj's and watch Family Guy. However, on most Summer nights the couch and loveseat are occuppied by little girls with big bowls of popcorn. He's such a good sport! ~ Much better than me in these situations. There's a reason why I have been deemed the Evil Momma Plod when I'm tired!
For today I need to give a big THANK YOU to my guy. We girls are lucky, lucky lucky...
I also wanted to share some of the day's beach photos. I feel as I should be going back to work tomorrow after a long weekend. Summer still hasn't sunk in!
...or lack there of!!
Each night his question remains the same:
So, what was it today?...BEACH? POOL? or BOTH?
Tonight my answer will be beach.
Hey, I can't help it. Teaching schedules are the best! He could have gone the route of the social studies professor but opted for that of the attorney.
I have ten months of teenage creativity, drama and angst to contend with and in return I am blessed with two months of Summer filled fun with my three little ladies. I say goodbye to "art teacher Mom" and am "just Mom."
We breathe in the fresh, salty air of the sea, surf in the waves on boogie boards and soak up the vitamins of the sun.
The Summer is an ongoing roller coaster of impromptu sleep overs and play dates. I typically leave the house with three kids and come home with one missing or two or three extra "temporary sisters" in tow.
---Today's sister was Danielle.
My husband gets dragged along for the ride. I'm a very lucky woman because he never complains about any of this. I know that there are dozens of late nights when he gets off of the train after a hellish (...and I mean this in many ways. Summer in the city isn't fun.) commute and wants nothing more than to veg out on the couch in his pj's and watch Family Guy. However, on most Summer nights the couch and loveseat are occuppied by little girls with big bowls of popcorn. He's such a good sport! ~ Much better than me in these situations. There's a reason why I have been deemed the Evil Momma Plod when I'm tired!
For today I need to give a big THANK YOU to my guy. We girls are lucky, lucky lucky...
I also wanted to share some of the day's beach photos. I feel as I should be going back to work tomorrow after a long weekend. Summer still hasn't sunk in!
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Addi and Danielle catching some serious waves...seriously! |
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Chloe balanced with her bag of bologna! She toted this around the beach for awhile, snacking. |
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Crab hunting with Julia was scary, exciting fun. |
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Gracie hid from the morning wind. |
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We explored the beach all day and raced back before the tide washed out our path! |
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Summertime with Eggs, Ketchup and Stormy Showers...
We kicked off the Summer with style.
Out of the house by 8:30am...
...umbrellas ready.
...raincoats and boots on.
...bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches, topped with ketchup (of course) in hands.
We were on our way to do one of our family's most beloved things.
Yup, we were packed into our faithful Caravan and driving to Asharoken Beach to eat breakfast and check out the thunder and lightning!
Who was happier about this?
Me, Julia or the girls?!
I'm not sure...
Julia and I both had our cameras with us... A SURE SIGN OF GOOD THINGS TO COME!
This was a great storm.
We ate.
The kids played games in the car.
They were all getting along beautifully...
...for the most part.
After a half 1/2 hour they wore on each others nerves.
Addi called her sisters some bad names.
STUPID and FAT PIG have been her faves lately.
One more thing to blame on school. Elementary school is swell. So are pre-pre tweens...Ooh, look, I created a new category.
We'll call them P-P's for short. (hahaha...made myself giggle)
My P-P has been getting a lot of time outs and lectures and making tons of apologies lately.
When will she learn?
Do parents still do the old soap in mouth trick?
Is that considered corporal punishment?
...It's sooooo tempting!
So, minus the insults and injuries this was fabuloso!
To backtrack...YES, WE HAD AN INJURY.
Addi slammed her fingers in the "hook thing" inside the car door.
-To clarify, it was not the car door. It was the silly half handle that hangs from the ceiling above the car door. Leave it my kiddo to somehow pull on it and jam a finger into a weird crevice!
She howled like a banshee and scared all of us half to death!
"OoooooOOoWWwwww!!! WhawhaAAAHHHH! MumumAAA! OoooWWwww! Help help..."
...Really. This is what came out of her mouth.
It took me about five minutes to figure out what happened between sobs.
Then the rain eased up.
My girls,including Addi's BFF hopped out of the car, careful not to get too close to the beach comber and they played some totally awesome games in the parking lot.
No one was left out.
It was a morning of celebrating girlhood, friendship, family, Summer and sisterhood.
--All of those things that Hallmark preaches about danced before me on the shoreline.
I happily documented, as did Addison.

This is how our morning went...
Out of the house by 8:30am...
...umbrellas ready.
...raincoats and boots on.
...bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches, topped with ketchup (of course) in hands.
We were on our way to do one of our family's most beloved things.
Yup, we were packed into our faithful Caravan and driving to Asharoken Beach to eat breakfast and check out the thunder and lightning!
Who was happier about this?
Me, Julia or the girls?!
I'm not sure...
Julia and I both had our cameras with us... A SURE SIGN OF GOOD THINGS TO COME!
This was a great storm.
We ate.
The kids played games in the car.
They were all getting along beautifully...
...for the most part.
After a half 1/2 hour they wore on each others nerves.
Addi called her sisters some bad names.
STUPID and FAT PIG have been her faves lately.
One more thing to blame on school. Elementary school is swell. So are pre-pre tweens...Ooh, look, I created a new category.
We'll call them P-P's for short. (hahaha...made myself giggle)
My P-P has been getting a lot of time outs and lectures and making tons of apologies lately.
When will she learn?
Do parents still do the old soap in mouth trick?
Is that considered corporal punishment?
...It's sooooo tempting!
So, minus the insults and injuries this was fabuloso!
To backtrack...YES, WE HAD AN INJURY.
Addi slammed her fingers in the "hook thing" inside the car door.
-To clarify, it was not the car door. It was the silly half handle that hangs from the ceiling above the car door. Leave it my kiddo to somehow pull on it and jam a finger into a weird crevice!
She howled like a banshee and scared all of us half to death!
"OoooooOOoWWwwww!!! WhawhaAAAHHHH! MumumAAA! OoooWWwww! Help help..."
...Really. This is what came out of her mouth.
It took me about five minutes to figure out what happened between sobs.
Then the rain eased up.
My girls,including Addi's BFF hopped out of the car, careful not to get too close to the beach comber and they played some totally awesome games in the parking lot.
No one was left out.
It was a morning of celebrating girlhood, friendship, family, Summer and sisterhood.
--All of those things that Hallmark preaches about danced before me on the shoreline.
I happily documented, as did Addison.

This is how our morning went...
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Heaven and Blankets...What Are The Rules?
The house was still.
I could hear the low hum of voices from the livingroom.
Jim and Julia were watching tv.
I wasn't ready for that yet.
I was after a different type of decompression.
I revelled in the sleepy silence that had enveloped Grace and Chloe's bedroom. I knelt beside the bottom bunk, chin resting on hands, fingers laced together.
Exhaling with a sigh, I watched my youngest baby.
I lingered, inches away from a dreaming Chloe.
"My "Tiny" isn't a baby any longer," I thought.
At the ripe old age of 5 1/2 she will be graduating kindergarten shortly.
She will be moving on to full days of school where friendships and teachers may have more of an impact on her than I do.
--So, selfish of me to think this way.
...but don't we all?
My mind wandered through milestones. "This is HUGE," was my conclusion.
I studied her, remembering all of the times that Jim and I had done this when our kids were in cradles and cribs.
I drew closer, analyzing her features...
--the upturned baby like mine.
--those lengthly, pale eyelashes...inherited from my Mom.
--her soft, blushing cheeks...always ready for a kiss.
--the pouty puss and accented bow of her lip...admired by many. Could Angelina Jolie be a relative?
--and her long, fine fingers grasping her "nigh night" for security.
The "blanket thing" runs in our family.
Our little Chloe has been toting a nigh-night since day one.
It's been on her mind a lot lately.
My Mama intuition tells me she fears that it is supposed to be left behind soon.
Chlo Chlo understands that she is getting older. She is overjoyed to be heading into first grade and hangin' with all of the "big kids."
---Is a "nigh-night unacceptable for a first grader? Hmmmmm?
As I rested next to her I thought of an earlier, blanket based conversation.
---Proof that she is in the midst of a heated battle! ...Chloe vs The Rules (or so she might think)
Chloe sat on my lap, toying with the charm necklace that I wear...
...this is something that all three of my kids do from time to time.
...they are fascinated with its looks and symbolism. is "them.", to them, it represents me as well.
Always so many questions...
---Why do you wear them Mom?
---Which color is mine?
---Daddy got these for you, right?
---Do you love us more than your necklace?
Chloe's question was new.
"Mommy? When we die will God let us bring something with us to Heaven?"
--Like what Chlo?
"If you die...will you take your necklace with you? Will you be allowed?"
--I thought...My splendid, ever curious girl! How Mama adores you!
My answer...Yes, I'd like to.
Holding my charms in a tightly closed grip, close to my heart I continued,"I will hold onto them tight, like this (showing her) and never let go of them. Maybe if I hold on tight enough they will come with me."
She thought about this.
There was silence as she stared at the charms.
Holding onto the corner of her blanket, high in the air, with both hands, my little Chlo boldly announced...
"When I go to Heaven nigh-night is coming with me! I'll hold it soooo tight...I WILL NEVER LET IT GO! It's totally coming with me. I WILL NOT LEAVE IT."
She hugged the night-night and me as hard as she could...
...and that's pretty hard for a little peanut.
I have a feeling that nigh-night will get a college education some day...
...just like my Crueby.
Such a lovely picture painted as I drink my morning coffee.
I could hear the low hum of voices from the livingroom.
Jim and Julia were watching tv.
I wasn't ready for that yet.
I was after a different type of decompression.
I revelled in the sleepy silence that had enveloped Grace and Chloe's bedroom. I knelt beside the bottom bunk, chin resting on hands, fingers laced together.
Exhaling with a sigh, I watched my youngest baby.
I lingered, inches away from a dreaming Chloe.
"My "Tiny" isn't a baby any longer," I thought.
At the ripe old age of 5 1/2 she will be graduating kindergarten shortly.
She will be moving on to full days of school where friendships and teachers may have more of an impact on her than I do.
--So, selfish of me to think this way.
...but don't we all?
My mind wandered through milestones. "This is HUGE," was my conclusion.
I studied her, remembering all of the times that Jim and I had done this when our kids were in cradles and cribs.
I drew closer, analyzing her features...
--the upturned baby like mine.
--those lengthly, pale eyelashes...inherited from my Mom.
--her soft, blushing cheeks...always ready for a kiss.
--the pouty puss and accented bow of her lip...admired by many. Could Angelina Jolie be a relative?
--and her long, fine fingers grasping her "nigh night" for security.
The "blanket thing" runs in our family.
Our little Chloe has been toting a nigh-night since day one.
It's been on her mind a lot lately.
My Mama intuition tells me she fears that it is supposed to be left behind soon.
Chlo Chlo understands that she is getting older. She is overjoyed to be heading into first grade and hangin' with all of the "big kids."
---Is a "nigh-night unacceptable for a first grader? Hmmmmm?
As I rested next to her I thought of an earlier, blanket based conversation.
---Proof that she is in the midst of a heated battle! ...Chloe vs The Rules (or so she might think)
Chloe sat on my lap, toying with the charm necklace that I wear...
...this is something that all three of my kids do from time to time.
...they are fascinated with its looks and symbolism. is "them.", to them, it represents me as well.
Always so many questions...
---Why do you wear them Mom?
---Which color is mine?
---Daddy got these for you, right?
---Do you love us more than your necklace?
Chloe's question was new.
"Mommy? When we die will God let us bring something with us to Heaven?"
--Like what Chlo?
"If you die...will you take your necklace with you? Will you be allowed?"
--I thought...My splendid, ever curious girl! How Mama adores you!
My answer...Yes, I'd like to.
Holding my charms in a tightly closed grip, close to my heart I continued,"I will hold onto them tight, like this (showing her) and never let go of them. Maybe if I hold on tight enough they will come with me."
She thought about this.
There was silence as she stared at the charms.
Holding onto the corner of her blanket, high in the air, with both hands, my little Chlo boldly announced...
"When I go to Heaven nigh-night is coming with me! I'll hold it soooo tight...I WILL NEVER LET IT GO! It's totally coming with me. I WILL NOT LEAVE IT."
She hugged the night-night and me as hard as she could...
...and that's pretty hard for a little peanut.
I have a feeling that nigh-night will get a college education some day...
...just like my Crueby.
Such a lovely picture painted as I drink my morning coffee.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Things For Dad's Butt!...Don't Ask.
June 12th has always held a special place in my heart.
Jim and I have dubbed it "OUR DAY."
It falls directly between our birthdays...his being the 11th and mine the 13th.
20 years ago we began to jointly celebrate on this day.
--one more thing to share.
--sentimental and sweet.
2 intense careers and 3 kiddos later we have carried on with the tradition out of necessity.
--Who has time for 2 birthdays in one week?!
--Not us!
This year, however...
We ditched the 12th.
--Not sure.
--Not sure of that either. It just so many other random things.
Whatever the case:
A) the kids deserve 2 days of party cake.
B) we do too.
C) The girls wanted to pamper their Dad.
My guy spent a week home from work. He was suffering the ill effects of a severe concussion.
He's still recovering but, being the stubborn workaholic that he is, decided to brave the LIRR and the wild streets of mid-town Manhattan in order to head to the office...
This alone, deserved the most decadent, chocolate cake that we could find!
The fact that we, and by WE... I mean ME, drove him nuts all week is another.
After a head full of staples, stitches and 2 trips to the ER I was more than a little worried.
I love him and let's face it...He does not know how to take it easy.
Jim's words: Try not to use my mind?! I get paid to use my mind.
The Doctor: Not now you don't. Your mind needs time to heal.
After the doctor informed my husband that he needed a minimum of 2 weeks rest before commuting into the city he said:
Nope. I'm going back on Friday. I don't care.
The Doctor responded with a stern look in both our directions, a shake of the head and the comment:
We'll discuss this on Thursday.
After all that Jim was a surprisingly good patient.
Proof that this must have scared the crap out of him.
Thanks to my FOUR MINI SPIES/NURSES...Julia,Addi,Grace and Chloe...Jim was watched and babied all week.
NURSE BILLIE was on the job and he was going to rest if it killed him! My nagging could send him to the grave.
Jim's week consisted of being in the audience for 3 grade school performances, a first grade farm trip with Gracie and light repairs around the house and lots of nap time.
Again---I was totally impressed!
The "comfort Dad" theme carried over to his birthday gifts.
The girls and I bought him:
*a blue Adirondack chair complete with Lime green cushion.
*a soft cushion for his ladder back chair in the kitchen. (this is where he does most of his work while home)
*a groovy new Hawaiian shirt.
*jogging gear (for when he feels up to it again)
*2 support pillows. They are pretty and masculine! that possible?(he's soar and has been using
2 nasty old pillows, from "I don't know where"... since he got hurt.)
Did you catch onto the theme?
The girls and I went to the local Italian American Bakery for the cake.
Addi, Grace and Chloe dominated the shop. They had the attention of the owner. She happily answered all of their questions for over 10 minutes. She offered to add special flowers to the double chocolate, canoli treat that they had agreed on for their Dad.
---Hmmmm. I wonder if she babysits?!
A woman struck up a conversation with the kids.
Woman: So, it's your daddy's birthday?
All 3 girls "yessed" her at various moments as they flipped through a cake catalog.
Woman: Did you give him his presents?
Addi: No, not yet. He's at work still.
Woman: What did you get him for his birthday?
Chloe: We got him things for his butt.
Woman: Oh?
Grace: Our dad hurt his head so he needs things for his make him comfortable.
...The lady looked puzzled.
Chloe: Or you can call it a tushi! Tushi Is a good word for butt!
The woman placed her order and smiled in my direction.
Did I intervene?
Did I clarify?
Have I loved retelling this story to family and friends?
Happy Birthday to "My Guy." I love you and am proud of your strength and determination.
Your ability to stay home an entire week, in a house with 5 concerned women (of various ages) is beyond impressive!
Jim and I have dubbed it "OUR DAY."
It falls directly between our birthdays...his being the 11th and mine the 13th.
20 years ago we began to jointly celebrate on this day.
--one more thing to share.
--sentimental and sweet.
2 intense careers and 3 kiddos later we have carried on with the tradition out of necessity.
--Who has time for 2 birthdays in one week?!
--Not us!
This year, however...
We ditched the 12th.
--Not sure.
--Not sure of that either. It just so many other random things.
Whatever the case:
A) the kids deserve 2 days of party cake.
B) we do too.
C) The girls wanted to pamper their Dad.
My guy spent a week home from work. He was suffering the ill effects of a severe concussion.
He's still recovering but, being the stubborn workaholic that he is, decided to brave the LIRR and the wild streets of mid-town Manhattan in order to head to the office...
This alone, deserved the most decadent, chocolate cake that we could find!
The fact that we, and by WE... I mean ME, drove him nuts all week is another.
After a head full of staples, stitches and 2 trips to the ER I was more than a little worried.
I love him and let's face it...He does not know how to take it easy.
Jim's words: Try not to use my mind?! I get paid to use my mind.
The Doctor: Not now you don't. Your mind needs time to heal.
After the doctor informed my husband that he needed a minimum of 2 weeks rest before commuting into the city he said:
Nope. I'm going back on Friday. I don't care.
The Doctor responded with a stern look in both our directions, a shake of the head and the comment:
We'll discuss this on Thursday.
After all that Jim was a surprisingly good patient.
Proof that this must have scared the crap out of him.
Thanks to my FOUR MINI SPIES/NURSES...Julia,Addi,Grace and Chloe...Jim was watched and babied all week.
NURSE BILLIE was on the job and he was going to rest if it killed him! My nagging could send him to the grave.
Jim's week consisted of being in the audience for 3 grade school performances, a first grade farm trip with Gracie and light repairs around the house and lots of nap time.
Again---I was totally impressed!
The "comfort Dad" theme carried over to his birthday gifts.
The girls and I bought him:
*a blue Adirondack chair complete with Lime green cushion.
*a soft cushion for his ladder back chair in the kitchen. (this is where he does most of his work while home)
*a groovy new Hawaiian shirt.
*jogging gear (for when he feels up to it again)
*2 support pillows. They are pretty and masculine! that possible?(he's soar and has been using
2 nasty old pillows, from "I don't know where"... since he got hurt.)
Did you catch onto the theme?
The girls and I went to the local Italian American Bakery for the cake.
Addi, Grace and Chloe dominated the shop. They had the attention of the owner. She happily answered all of their questions for over 10 minutes. She offered to add special flowers to the double chocolate, canoli treat that they had agreed on for their Dad.
---Hmmmm. I wonder if she babysits?!
A woman struck up a conversation with the kids.
Woman: So, it's your daddy's birthday?
All 3 girls "yessed" her at various moments as they flipped through a cake catalog.
Woman: Did you give him his presents?
Addi: No, not yet. He's at work still.
Woman: What did you get him for his birthday?
Chloe: We got him things for his butt.
Woman: Oh?
Grace: Our dad hurt his head so he needs things for his make him comfortable.
...The lady looked puzzled.
Chloe: Or you can call it a tushi! Tushi Is a good word for butt!
The woman placed her order and smiled in my direction.
Did I intervene?
Did I clarify?
Have I loved retelling this story to family and friends?
Happy Birthday to "My Guy." I love you and am proud of your strength and determination.
Your ability to stay home an entire week, in a house with 5 concerned women (of various ages) is beyond impressive!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Birthday Season and Crying Mamas
Have you ever had "one of those moments"?
The world comes to a screeching halt...
You know, the ones that cause a lump in your throat so big that it's hard to swallow?
...butterflies that feel more like dragonflies form from nothing only to flit back and forth in your stomach?
...a gentle trickle swells up inside of you, bursting out into a flood of tears?
I had a moment.
It was memorable.
It was beautiful.
It was all about my girls.
This past weekend we celebrated.
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Addi and her buddy Danielle. That's ice cream on their noses! |
My kids celebrated JUNE.
They romped though the yard into the night.
Our girls put the antics of "the wild things" to shame!
They wanted to turn the sprinklers on.. 9pm.
Addi asked Jim.
Jim said,"Ask your Mom."
He thought that I'd say NO.
The answer was YES.
This is one more reason why I'm happy to live on a street packed with kids.
Four girls, running through sprinklers...
...and playing "slippery leap frog" in the front yard, on a Friday night is no big deal!
Kids being kids is messy, stinky, wet, and grass covered, but beautiful.
By 9:45 they were cold and pooped out.
So were the grown ups, but we played it cool.
SUMMER is here... the kick off of "BIRTHDAY SEASON"is upon us.
Jim's Mom's birthday was this week...My Mom is next on the list..., then Jim, followed by me, my cousin, my aunt and a few friends. Did I mention that everyone listed after Jim all fall on the same day? Did I forget to mention that swirled into all of this are Mother's Day, Father's Day and our anniversary?
After a brief swim to the surface for a gulp of air we have Addison's birthday and then we are blessed with a lull.
Throw kiddie birthday parties and end of the school year fun into the mix and it's a rockin' month!
SATURDAY was a family friend's birthday party. Alexis was 7. She had a pool party complete with glitter tattoos (custom made by her aunt), pinata, an amazing blow up contraption that blew balls into the air (entertaining for everyone there), relay races and pizza!
Who could ask for anything more?
It was an all day affair.
One more day that ended in the best type of exhaustion!
We headed over to my Mom's place bright and early Sunday morning.
If you're wondering where "my moment" is..It's coming.
-Just building momentum.
-Keeping you hanging for a while.
We gave Bannie her gifts.
The last was a ticket for the kids gymnastics show.
The deal was, wear the new clingy dress (that she looks amazing in! -and was bought for you. Grace told my Mom that, "We didn't buy it! It was Mom's old dress."), accessorize with the heart bracelet (that Addi says she gifted to her because she didn't like it anymore! Quite the charmer isn't she.) and find the ticket waiting for you at the door.
The Gold Medal Gymnastics Family Expo is a time for our children to shine.
They look forward to strutting their stuff and demonstrating what they've learned all year.
...Wait, did I say that?
I should have said...
All but one child looks forward to strutting their stuff and demonstrating.
You see, our Addi, at times becomes painfully self conscious during moments like these.
She loves gymnastics but does not love being in the first group to perform.
Nor does she enjoy being called out individually to do solo floor exercises.
Being the center of attention and not 100% positive that the outcome will be great freaks her out.
Addison panicked.
As the kids were ushered into their class groups and assembled in their places Jim and I witnessed the scene and saw our baby's nerve unravel.
Her body language changed.
...shoulders hunched.
...fingernails were bitten.
...her gaze shifted into her lap.
We had a feeling this might happen.
I had butterflies...Screw that...I had a swarm of bees in the pit of my stomach.
My poor baby.
Then she she flagged a teacher over.
Jim looked in my direction," Oh no. What's going on?---She's not going to do it is she?"
In a whisper I said,"No. I don't think so."
We watched as the coach gave words of encouragement and placed a hand on Addi's shoulder.
Addi shook her head "no" a few times.
The teacher understood.
She left defeated.
Addi sat, pretzel legged, frowning into her lap.
If we could have performed for her we would have.
-Instead we watched.
It was agony...
Addison's name was not announced.
She did not perform her solo floor exercises.
... But she was a happy kid.
Her group moved on to the balance beam, then to the "horse."
Our brave girl performed with a bright smile.
I shed silent tears.
At the same time Grace started her floor routine.
Good old Gracie Skylar...dependable and on task.
She kept her eyes locked on her teacher.
Grace had a look of determination on her face the entire time.
Her brows were knit and her lips pursed.
We watched as she'd nod to the coach, point a toe, flip a wrist, make eye contact and move on.
She saved the funny business for the sidelines. Giggles and whispers are cool then.
Off to the right Jim and I saw Chloe reach out for her big sister. As she walked past Addi she gave her a squeeze and huge smile. Addi smiled and returned the squeeze.
It was getting hrder and harder for me to fight off the tears.
We were very proud. This was sisterhood at its shiniest.
Addi's team was done and sat, waiting for their trophies and certificates of excellence. Grace's team was on deck for the "bars." Chloe's team was in line and ready for the "beam."
As they waited the little girls began to sing out loud and dance. Chloe was PSYCHED! She bounced like a jumping bean and belted out her favorite tune. It was her lucky day. She'd get to perform while
"Call Me...Maybe" played.
Chloe bounced.
Chloe waved and waved and waved.
Cloe laughed.
She had her turn.
She went back to her place and danced some more.
We laughed as we watched her head bop up and down while she belted out "So here's my number. Call me maybe!!"
She has a way of making everything look so easy.
I wasn't making anything look easy. I was holding back a flood. - Wiping the tears away and hoping that I didn't have raccoon eyes.
Jim glanced my way and gave me that boyish smirk that I love so much.
The one that says, "You're sentimental and silly and that's why I love you."
I cried more.
It was no use...I couldn't stop.
Chloe and Gracie's groups past by one another.
The sisters stopped. They hugged, high fived, laughed, exchanged "thumbs up," and moved on.
I nudged Jim," Do you see our girls? They're so beautiful. Look at them."
Jim nodded, yes and smiled in their direction.
He and Addi gave a high "thumbs up" from across the room.
Addi waved her trophy in the air, smiling proudly.
I cried some more.
It's going to take a monsoon to top this memory.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
JUNE...Spring Month or Torture Device?
I step onto the merry go round.
-Passing up a dainty, white horse clad in pink roses and heading for the ostrich caught in mid-prance I think to myself, "This could be fun."
I know...OSTRICH.
In my mind it promises for a more interesting ride.
I hop on the over sized,plastic bird, buckle up and hold onto the gold pole.
The music begins...
I turn, glancing over my right shoulder, then my left.
My head turns full circle.
The music grows louder.
I relax, looking at the fair and passersby.
The ride picks up speed.
The music plays louder.
People become stretched out burs.
Colors run together, morphing into abstractions.
Panic sets in...
Where are my kids?!
Why am I on this thing with out the girls?!
I don't see them on here.
They love the carousel.
I'm dizzy and clinging to the ridiculous ostrich's neck.
My hands are sweaty.
I continue to scan the crowd.
Where could my family be?
-Ahh. There they are.
I spy all three of my girls.
With each pass I strain my neck to lock eyes with one or all of them.
At first glance I notice that their hair is pulled back with looping curls.
Streaming ribbons frame their faces. Cheeks are blushing and lips are ruddy...
They look so pretty.
Why are they all dolled up?
...Are my kids wearing lipstick?!
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Holy...Bad Make-UP! |
Who let them out like that?
They look like porcelain dolls...or street walkers...take your pick.
My head is pounding.
The ride continues to spin.
With each turn I catch a glimpse of the kids.
I feel relief until...
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....PS. All make up was added in Photoshop. |
My little ones crowd together, pointing outstretched fingers in the direction of the carousel.
I spin...
Their squeals get louder.
Their make up grows more vulgar with each pass of the ostrich.
This ride is pure torture.
Where are the baby wipes?
Girls take that stuff off!
Stop laughing at your Mama!
I never wanted to get on this ride in the first place...
I did it for the kids.
the ride continues - i cling to my ridiculous bird - nausea sets in - the girls vanish
I walk with a drunken swagger down the steps of the carousel.
I go to my car and drive to the elementary school...
...3 more performances, 1 more in school birthday celebration, 2 field trips to chaperone, 8 more days of lunch bag filling, 3 more gymnastics sessions, 3 more after school clubs and 12 teaching days to go.
I can make it through with a smile on my face and a camera in my hand.
Its definition has changed greatly over the years.
Like the Grateful Dead once sang, "What a long strange trip it's been."
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