Jim and I have dubbed it "OUR DAY."
It falls directly between our birthdays...his being the 11th and mine the 13th.
20 years ago we began to jointly celebrate on this day.
--one more thing to share.
--sentimental and sweet.
2 intense careers and 3 kiddos later we have carried on with the tradition out of necessity.
--Who has time for 2 birthdays in one week?!
--Not us!
This year, however...
We ditched the 12th.
--Not sure.
--Not sure of that either. It just happened...like so many other random things.
Whatever the case:
A) the kids deserve 2 days of party cake.
B) we do too.
C) The girls wanted to pamper their Dad.
My guy spent a week home from work. He was suffering the ill effects of a severe concussion.
He's still recovering but, being the stubborn workaholic that he is, decided to brave the LIRR and the wild streets of mid-town Manhattan in order to head to the office...
This alone, deserved the most decadent, chocolate cake that we could find!
The fact that we, and by WE... I mean ME, drove him nuts all week is another.
After a head full of staples, stitches and 2 trips to the ER I was more than a little worried.
I love him and let's face it...He does not know how to take it easy.
Jim's words: Try not to use my mind?! I get paid to use my mind.
The Doctor: Not now you don't. Your mind needs time to heal.
After the doctor informed my husband that he needed a minimum of 2 weeks rest before commuting into the city he said:
Nope. I'm going back on Friday. I don't care.
The Doctor responded with a stern look in both our directions, a shake of the head and the comment:
We'll discuss this on Thursday.
After all that Jim was a surprisingly good patient.
Proof that this must have scared the crap out of him.
Thanks to my FOUR MINI SPIES/NURSES...Julia,Addi,Grace and Chloe...Jim was watched and babied all week.
NURSE BILLIE was on the job and he was going to rest if it killed him! My nagging could send him to the grave.
Jim's week consisted of being in the audience for 3 grade school performances, a first grade farm trip with Gracie and light repairs around the house and lots of nap time.
Again---I was totally impressed!
The "comfort Dad" theme carried over to his birthday gifts.
The girls and I bought him:
*a blue Adirondack chair complete with Lime green cushion.
*a soft cushion for his ladder back chair in the kitchen. (this is where he does most of his work while home)
*a groovy new Hawaiian shirt.
*jogging gear (for when he feels up to it again)
*2 support pillows. They are pretty and masculine! Wait...is that possible?(he's soar and has been using
2 nasty old pillows, from "I don't know where"... since he got hurt.)
Did you catch onto the theme?
The girls and I went to the local Italian American Bakery for the cake.
Addi, Grace and Chloe dominated the shop. They had the attention of the owner. She happily answered all of their questions for over 10 minutes. She offered to add special flowers to the double chocolate, canoli treat that they had agreed on for their Dad.
---Hmmmm. I wonder if she babysits?!
A woman struck up a conversation with the kids.
Woman: So, it's your daddy's birthday?
All 3 girls "yessed" her at various moments as they flipped through a cake catalog.
Woman: Did you give him his presents?
Addi: No, not yet. He's at work still.
Woman: What did you get him for his birthday?
Chloe: We got him things for his butt.
Woman: Oh?
Grace: Our dad hurt his head so he needs things for his butt..to make him comfortable.
...The lady looked puzzled.
Chloe: Or you can call it a tushi! Tushi Is a good word for butt!
The woman placed her order and smiled in my direction.
Did I intervene?
Did I clarify?
Have I loved retelling this story to family and friends?
Happy Birthday to "My Guy." I love you and am proud of your strength and determination.
Your ability to stay home an entire week, in a house with 5 concerned women (of various ages) is beyond impressive!
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