Friday, June 29, 2012

Funny In MY Mind...

There's a Blog that I came across not too long ago...

"Funny In my Mind" was the catch phrase that grabbed me and keeps me coming back for more.
Tonight, while sitting by our backyard fire pit with the family I thought of my "funny in my mind" moments.

Let's see.

Funny that we aren't roasting marshmallows.
On tonight's skewers there have been:
-pears entire fruit bowl, stabbed, smoked and enjoyed.

When my kids asked if they could try a pear after witnessing Julia roast an apple how could I turn them down?
After all, it's a creative option to the average gooey treat.

Funny in my mind that we are sitting on a displaced porch swing.
It's next to the fire because our yard has been turned up side down and backwards thanks to a handy dandy construction crew.
-No worries.
We are swinging and roasting fruit!
No one will fly into the fire tonight!
Only fruit is allowed to sizzle.

It is also funny that we have new outdoor seating opposite the swing.
It's the extra long, extra heavy ladder that has been left in the center of my yard and jutting into the swingset. You know, the place where we want the kids to swing on in the backyard.
-But hey, it acts as a great bench!
Just watch out for hot spots.

Funny that Grace wants to be Mexican or Spanish. Take your pick.
It's also funny that she doesn't know the difference and is convinced that she is one or both of them for sure because the school spent so much time teaching them Spanish this year.
Hmmmm...We have been trying to break the terrible news to her all day.

"Sorry babe, you're Swedish, German and Irish."
Her response the first few times: "No, but I really must be Spanish too."

It's Funny that I rarely see my friends until the Summer rolls around. Then the beach is partycentral. All of "the repeat families" are show up. We search each other out on the shoreline every day. Curious when a mom can't be found with her tagalongs and ever happy when they resurface with an explanation. This is a Summer town and we are tight.

So Very Funny that after I blogged about how patient and wonderful my guy is---HE SNAPPED!
Oh well, 95 degree heat in a city where you need to add an extra ten degrees for a true reading will do that. Wearing a suit in it will make it happen faster! Let's just say we had some unpleasant texting today that ended with me typing, "You had a bad day today didn't you? I love you."---Then I bought him his favorite deli sandwich for dinner. (PS- I didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to cheer the poor guy up. PPS- It worked!)

My little green house is now 1/2 white foam board and half gray. This isn't funny, but now that I think about it...It is!
Poor house. The girls are worried.
Green is a thing of the past. The new house is boring and ugly.
I say: At least the color still starts with the "G" sound. It would be super weird to say the little yellow house or the little tan house. 
We'll get used to it.

In My Mind the grass is always green even when my dog turns it a crisp yellow. If I paid attention to the crunchy stuff I'd fidget with the lawn all day and never do anything worth while with my time.
It's funny, this philosophy works with most of what life throws my way.

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