Have you ever had "one of those moments"?
The world comes to a screeching halt...
You know, the ones that cause a lump in your throat so big that it's hard to swallow?
...butterflies that feel more like dragonflies form from nothing only to flit back and forth in your stomach?
...a gentle trickle swells up inside of you, bursting out into a flood of tears?
I had a moment.
It was memorable.
It was beautiful.
It was all about my girls.
This past weekend we celebrated.
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Addi and her buddy Danielle. That's ice cream on their noses! |
My kids celebrated JUNE.
They romped though the yard into the night.
Our girls put the antics of "the wild things" to shame!
They wanted to turn the sprinklers on..
...at 9pm.
Addi asked Jim.
Jim said,"Ask your Mom."
He thought that I'd say NO.
The answer was YES.
This is one more reason why I'm happy to live on a street packed with kids.
Four girls, running through sprinklers...
...and playing "slippery leap frog" in the front yard, on a Friday night is no big deal!
Kids being kids is messy, stinky, wet, and grass covered, but beautiful.
By 9:45 they were cold and pooped out.
So were the grown ups, but we played it cool.
SUMMER is here... the kick off of "BIRTHDAY SEASON"is upon us.
Jim's Mom's birthday was this week...My Mom is next on the list..., then Jim, followed by me, my cousin, my aunt and a few friends. Did I mention that everyone listed after Jim all fall on the same day? Did I forget to mention that swirled into all of this are Mother's Day, Father's Day and our anniversary?
After a brief swim to the surface for a gulp of air we have Addison's birthday and then we are blessed with a lull.
Throw kiddie birthday parties and end of the school year fun into the mix and it's a rockin' month!
SATURDAY was a family friend's birthday party. Alexis was 7. She had a pool party complete with glitter tattoos (custom made by her aunt), pinata, an amazing blow up contraption that blew balls into the air (entertaining for everyone there), relay races and pizza!
Who could ask for anything more?
It was an all day affair.
One more day that ended in the best type of exhaustion!
We headed over to my Mom's place bright and early Sunday morning.
If you're wondering where "my moment" is..It's coming.
-Just building momentum.
-Keeping you hanging for a while.
We gave Bannie her gifts.
The last was a ticket for the kids gymnastics show.
The deal was, wear the new clingy dress (that she looks amazing in! -and was bought for you. Grace told my Mom that, "We didn't buy it! It was Mom's old dress."), accessorize with the heart bracelet (that Addi says she gifted to her because she didn't like it anymore! Quite the charmer isn't she.) and find the ticket waiting for you at the door.
The Gold Medal Gymnastics Family Expo is a time for our children to shine.
They look forward to strutting their stuff and demonstrating what they've learned all year.
...Wait, did I say that?
I should have said...
All but one child looks forward to strutting their stuff and demonstrating.
You see, our Addi, at times becomes painfully self conscious during moments like these.
She loves gymnastics but does not love being in the first group to perform.
Nor does she enjoy being called out individually to do solo floor exercises.
Being the center of attention and not 100% positive that the outcome will be great freaks her out.
Addison panicked.
As the kids were ushered into their class groups and assembled in their places Jim and I witnessed the scene and saw our baby's nerve unravel.
Her body language changed.
...shoulders hunched.
...fingernails were bitten.
...her gaze shifted into her lap.
We had a feeling this might happen.
I had butterflies...Screw that...I had a swarm of bees in the pit of my stomach.
My poor baby.
Then she she flagged a teacher over.
Jim looked in my direction," Oh no. What's going on?---She's not going to do it is she?"
In a whisper I said,"No. I don't think so."
We watched as the coach gave words of encouragement and placed a hand on Addi's shoulder.
Addi shook her head "no" a few times.
The teacher understood.
She left defeated.
Addi sat, pretzel legged, frowning into her lap.
If we could have performed for her we would have.
-Instead we watched.
It was agony...
Addison's name was not announced.
She did not perform her solo floor exercises.
... But she was a happy kid.
Her group moved on to the balance beam, then to the "horse."
Our brave girl performed with a bright smile.
I shed silent tears.
At the same time Grace started her floor routine.
Good old Gracie Skylar...dependable and on task.
She kept her eyes locked on her teacher.
Grace had a look of determination on her face the entire time.
Her brows were knit and her lips pursed.
We watched as she'd nod to the coach, point a toe, flip a wrist, make eye contact and move on.
She saved the funny business for the sidelines. Giggles and whispers are cool then.
Off to the right Jim and I saw Chloe reach out for her big sister. As she walked past Addi she gave her a squeeze and huge smile. Addi smiled and returned the squeeze.
It was getting hrder and harder for me to fight off the tears.
We were very proud. This was sisterhood at its shiniest.
Addi's team was done and sat, waiting for their trophies and certificates of excellence. Grace's team was on deck for the "bars." Chloe's team was in line and ready for the "beam."
As they waited the little girls began to sing out loud and dance. Chloe was PSYCHED! She bounced like a jumping bean and belted out her favorite tune. It was her lucky day. She'd get to perform while
"Call Me...Maybe" played.
Chloe bounced.
Chloe waved and waved and waved.
Cloe laughed.
She had her turn.
She went back to her place and danced some more.
We laughed as we watched her head bop up and down while she belted out "So here's my number. Call me maybe!!"
She has a way of making everything look so easy.
I wasn't making anything look easy. I was holding back a flood. - Wiping the tears away and hoping that I didn't have raccoon eyes.
Jim glanced my way and gave me that boyish smirk that I love so much.
The one that says, "You're sentimental and silly and that's why I love you."
I cried more.
It was no use...I couldn't stop.
Chloe and Gracie's groups past by one another.
The sisters stopped. They hugged, high fived, laughed, exchanged "thumbs up," and moved on.
I nudged Jim," Do you see our girls? They're so beautiful. Look at them."
Jim nodded, yes and smiled in their direction.
He and Addi gave a high "thumbs up" from across the room.
Addi waved her trophy in the air, smiling proudly.
I cried some more.
It's going to take a monsoon to top this memory.
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