He has a secret.
This cuddly, fluffy, mushy guy is an agent.
He is a teddy with a mission!
According to his boss...
...One, Miss Addison, Covert Ops. Agent...
He is meant to guard a treasure.
Addison's treasure is sought out by many and MUST be well protected.
Theives come in many shapes and sizes.
The top offenders are Secret Agent Grace, Secret Agent Chloe and the Evil Villain Mom.
Mom often destroys the booty or throws it away.
How dare I ??!!
Do I not recognize prized possessions when I see them??!!
How dare I go beyond Bear??!!
How dare anyone go beyond Bear??!!...
The Evil Villain Mom is currently the worst of Bear and Addison's concerns.
Addi's bedroom, aka Headquarters is under demolition and re-construction.
The Architect...I like to call her Julia...is on the case!
Julia is tearing her room apart piece by piece.
You see, her treasure is so valuable that even non-humans seek it out.
They have all travelled to the heart of the room.
Addison's bookcase, where Bear is guarding the remains of 1/2 eaten candy bars, gum wrappers and candies meant "to be saved for later."
I was called in yesterday, by Addi (who was freaking out) and Chloe.
"Why are they here?"
"Get rid of them Mom!"
"Help, Mom. I'm afraid of them!"
"I don't want them in my room."
I followed the trail of little explorers to Bear. I saw the look of worry on Addi's face.
Addi headed out the door as I reached for Bear. (smart move on her part)
I had to hold back the laughter. This was no easy feat. So out I blurted:
Addi, innocently from the hall," What is it Mom?"

Addi: What Mom?
Me: Get in here right now!
Addi: What is it Mom? Did you get the ants?
Me: Yeah...How many times have I told you that you CAN NOT keep food in your room. Baby, this is nasty. I know that bugs gross you out but they are gonna keep coming and make happy, little homes in your room if you keep this up.
(I fought the natural urge to laugh. I think that I did a stellar job!... I kept the tone moderate, called my wimpy kid "baby" and held her hand while we talked)
Addi: I know Mom. I'm sorry. I won't do it again.
Me: OK...because this could get really icky. This is why I say no food in bedrooms.
I knocked most of the toys off of the shelves hoping that I wouldn't expose more ant buddies.
Then I dumped out a few containers that were stored on the shelves. Ffweeww! Only Littlest Pet Shops here! No moving, mini, undesirables.
Addi spent the night curled up with Chloe on the bottom bunk.
She woke up twice in the middle of the night.
She was having bad dreams.
She was being attacked by marching ants.
Addi now says that she won't go back into her room until the ants are all gone.
This leads us back to today.
Julia told me that she laughed the entire time that she was sifting through the mess that was Addi's hidden snack, feast.
Julia is also convince that the ants weren't drawn to the chocolate remains or the dozens of candy wrappers stashed so carefully behind Bear.
They were, in fact, moving in for the big haul. Booty beyond their wildest antie dreams! They wanted the moldy cheese stick that was wedged behind the shelving unit.
Don't frett. The Architect was on it! The ants were vanquished. The cheese stick now resides in the garbage can.
Did Addison learn a lesson? I hope that she did. Will she bring food into her room again?
I hope not...
...however, I know my daughter.
There will be more ants in the future.
Next time we'll get rid of them together.
...Julia I hope that you heard that. You are off ant duty for round #2.
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