Feet were bare and wiggling in the grass. Hair flew wild in the wind. Our cheeks were left rosy from the sun's rays. - This, even with SPF 50 on. My girls glided over grass and gravel with their roller skates.
If you had see my Addi love on days like these you have the privilege of seeing her in her true form. She is a child of another era. Our girl is a free spirit of the purest kind. She is at home in nature. Happiness comes with grass stains on your knees and dirt or paint under your fingernails. I look at her during these moments and my heart smiles. My child is glorious.
Addison and I stole a few hours together this Sunday afternoon. - Much needed big girl time. My eldest was my date at an intimate art opening in our town's Village Hall. A select number of our high school students participated in this show. I had chosen two, incredibly gifted, young photographers to submit works. It was a proud moment.
After an hour and a half I had done "my rounds."
Photos had been posed for.
Addi had hugged many of my fellow art teachers, ...people that she's known her entire life.
Students and their families were beginning to filter out.
All of the green and pink jelly beans had bean eradicated!
It was time to go.
We were off to the public library.
Amelia Earhart awaited!
This was part two of our date. What I thought would be the-not-so-fun part.
Like many times before... I was wrong.
While in the car Addi asked if it was ok "if she never went to another school gallery thing again."
I asked WHY?
Her response," Mom you get too busy. I try and try to ask you questions and talk to you but you are too busy with students and other teachers. I feel ignored. I don't get enough of your attention."
Her cheeks must have had lead weights.
She suddenly looked like a Bassett Hound.
...That is the dog with the droopy cheeks, right?! If it's not, well, you get the picture.
I had bombed part one of the afternoon.
So much for all of the child ed. books that say: It doesn't matter who gives the affection as long as a child receives attention/affection from a loved one or adult they are content.
---Part 2---The Library---
We gathered four books on Amelia Earhart.
The two of us sat, tucked away at a round table in the farthest reaches of the lower level.
I read.
Addison read.
Then we shared.
It was sunny outside, an exceptional afternoon.
However, the basement of the public library, with my kiddo was the warmest, brightest spot that day.
Things didn't cool down until we were home and the "hard core research" began.
Maybe it was the late hour.
Maybe it was the fact that her internal clock was wound the wrong way due to daylight savings time.
Whatever the case...
...Addi wasn't happy.
She had no intention of spending the afternoon filling in a packet on her famous female in history.
But she did...eventually.
It took every ounce of patience in every pore of my body to control myself.
She'd pull though..I mean we would. After all I was the parent stuck with this job tonight.
There's a school program called Reading Without Tears. Can they make a version of it called Research Without Tears? That would help fourth grade parents nationwide.
Jim was on Chloe and Gracie duty.
I snuck away for a few minutes...
...just to use the bathroom.
Why does the world come crashing down every time I enter the bathroom???
Gone less than two minutes and all Hell breaks lose.
Is there some type of pill that I can take so that I never have to go to the bathroom again?
I heard Jim yell a loud,"Stop. Enough. Just go to your room."
Addi cried,"But, Dad!" and ran away.
I slowly emerged.
What had happened?
Jim's response,"I've had enough of this crap (which I had as well). I'm done with this. She's acting like a fool. Addi's being rude and whining. She tossed a book across the table and knocked my water over. It spilled all over my paperwork and the loner laptop from the office. She needs to chill out."
What were Grace and Chloe doing?
Would we ever get Addi to finish this thing?
Grace and Chloe, my silent little ones, were happily roller skating around the house and playing tea party on wheels.
Addi took a much needed break. Then she finished her papers at her own pace. She apologized to her dad and he did the same.
Big hugs all around.
One more reason to smile.
It was 7 o'clock. The back packs were packed and the lunch boxes were close to ready.
Two more reasons to smile.
Here is a collection of photos taken by Addison while at the gallery opening.
That was Sunday. Now onto Monday!
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