My favorite moments are messy and covered in paint.
These times are even more memorable now that I have three mini Van Gogh's to share them with.
Never, in my twenties could I have imagined that art would be this much more pleasurable after the addition of children.
I count my blessings one more time. I am a lucky Mama.
This past weekend was a big one!
Not only was Saturday St. Patrick's Day but, more importantly, it was Grace and Chloe's double party.
ONTO the Tea Party!! affair to attend and to be remembered!
Apparently the kids hyped it up.
It was deemed the "cool" party of grades K and One. (or so they made it seem!)
But really, they talked about it so much that I began to wonder if I should buy a red, velvet rope!
Sorry, No Invite...
...No Entry.
You're not on the list.
The kids piled into the "Loopsie Bus"...painted by my girls. I added the black lines. |
I ended Friday night at 2:30 in the morning Saturday.
I had:
*added the black lines to the bus,
*made 15 tea party hats (to be decorated)
*made 15 goody bags (complete with pearls and lady gloves)
*decorated the living room, kitchen and the kids bedroom
*the bedroom had also been transformed into a playroom/dress up room (this meant relocating furniture...thank you for lending a helping hand Julia.)
*then I swept and swiffered the floors (I love my Swiffer!)
---TWO A.M.---...almost finished.
Time to morph into Patty the Leprechaun.
I attacked my house! I turned chairs over, tossed them onto counter tops and opened every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen! It was great!!
Then I moved on to the painting fun!
Can you tell that I'm excited?!
I absolutely love this stuff!
It's a rule in my family: You can't be a member unless you are nutty for holidays!
I printed "Patty prints" all over the house.
...our Leprechaun left little green feet all over the place then peed in the toilet.
...leaving behind...
The girls thought that the "leprechaun pee" was icky and amazing.
At 7a.m. (4 1/2 hrs. of Mommy sleep later) Grace and Chloe came running into our bedroom.
Grace: "Mom!!! Dad!!! He was here! Come look! Wait until you see. You won't believe it."
Chloe: "Mom!!! Dad!!! The Leprechaun messed up the kitchen! You need to see!! He even peed in our toilet!!!!
Addi: "Wait until you see. It was gross! Come on Mom...come on Dad."
Grace: "Ewwww. We flushed it!!"
Chloe: "Yeah I had to flush it! It was gross. It was GREEEEENNN!!"
Jim and I were caught up in a green whirlwind.
Time to get up.
Most of it had been cleaned already? Wow!
Aunt Marnee was already making coffee and baking her heart out.
I love that,... My sister made us coffee.
She had read my mind.
My sister is up earlier than me on a Saturday?!
We then, ran around and made finishing touches for the party, along with a very green breakfast that freaked the kids out. No one wanted to eat their green, cheesy eggs! Wonder why????
They really did look gross.
The dog liked them.
I gave the girls a mission. TOSS HULA HOOPS. In no time our front yard was covered. PERFECT.
Grandma's china was taken down from the attic and was shining on the counter top.
The lace and doilies were scattered in the most gloriously gaudy display that any proper lady would adore. Marnee's rainbow petite fours and Loopsie style baby cupcakes were adorned and arranged beautifully. The old, elephant tea pot was ready to pour along side it's red counterpart. Tea clothes were on. We were ready.
Great Grandma's china gets along well with Elephant. |
One of the lovely tea hats. |
Chloe enjoys her cupcake. |
Hula Hoop Madness! |
The day was an adventure.
Lacey little girls ran in and out of my house all afternoon. Some came toting dolls and others came in their tea party finest.
They crowded into the bus (aka bunk bed).
They climbed on top of the bus.
They drew on the inner walls of the bus, leaving top secret messages for the birthday girls.
My girls plan to cherish these friend made drawings forever.
Chloe plans to sleep in the "bus" forever.
Grace plans on letting the streamers and stars hang over her bed forever.
I plan to let them!
They designed unique tea hats, on picnic blankets, in our yard.
I tried to use glue, failed and whipped out the trusty hot glue gun! Yes, Score. Love It!!
Addison played waitress and did a fabulous job!! She placed orders as girls arrived. My big helper.
They drank green tea...some for the first time.
They delicately handled heart shaped sandwiches and mac n' cheese.
They ate the biggest strawberries that I have ever seen...definitely NOT organic...oops.
There was a tea bag hunt! Lucky Auntie Marn scattered 54 bags all over the front yard.
Lucky kids found them.
Or did they?
Lucky me got to count them with the kids who now proudly count past to 100. (thank you teachers)
This took a few tries!!
Mission success!!
Cupcakes and petite fours were served.
Then an the girls were onto an impromptu Hula Hoop Contest and hooping lessons given by Big Sister Addi...the Hula Hoop Goddess!
Addison is AMAZING!!!
I don't know how she does it. Addi barely moves and they glide 'round her body forever.
The La La Loopsie Tea Party came to an end.
I left me one more reason to love today.
There were hula hoop rainbows in our yard.
** If you'd like to read more about the party or the treats served check out the confections of a pastry It's my sister's site. Marnee is a pastry chef. **
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