Yes, folks...We are that much closer to a great big Happy Friday!
Stretch your toes...
Reach for the stars...
Do a happy dance!
My children and I are celebrating life this week.
It feels glorious to be well after the dreaded sickness that was the stomach virus.
Sorry if I sound like a broken record, but I never want it in my house again.
The lovely and talented Julia, au pair extraordinaire is still recovering.
Julia had been given the task of airing out the house today.
Every window will stay open in my house today even if it means we are all wearing our hoodies indoors.
Fresh air is the best medicine.
...unless you are an allergy sufferer.
Then I say...
...Please stay on your current medication and breathe it all in safely!
Be well.
Stay healthy.
I hope that you have enjoyed your Thursday.
Ours was serendipitous.
We ate it up.
We had a much needed library visit complete with story time and math tutoring. Then on to shopping we went. before we knew it it was time to go home. The little green house was appealing to all.
Chloe marched on...
The window box was given a window...
Chloe made art...
While Gracie made funny faces...
...and a bed for frog, complete with headboard.
Chloe named them He and She. They went with her everywhere.
Addi sat on me...on the swing.
He and She lost arms and Chloe became Dr.Chloe.
Then it got chilly.
Friday awaits.
Then onto the weekend.
I bid thee farewell.
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