Monday, March 19, 2012

Tired, Greasy, Blisters, A Snotty Kid and The Best Ending Ever!

After a night of having two of my three crawling into bed with us and yet another wild weekend...
...Here I am.
...Still breathing!
I'd like to say that I'm well rested but that would be a lie.
I'm bruised, have blisters on my hands and I might add, am slightly greasy.
Shall I explain?
Here it goes...
My oldest darling is only a head shy of my the ripe old age of 9 1/2. She moves ALOT in her sleep. Although I love to snuggle this can be a hazard with Addi. I am now sporting bruises a few inches above each ankle, identical in size and placement.
Oh...thank you, lovely child of mine.

Onto The Blisters...

I some how got suckered into raking and aerating (Whoa! I spelled that right without spell check! Sometimes I amaze myself.) our front lawn yesterday.
Don't ask.
All that I know is Jim was whipping up one of his scrumptious Sunday feasts and I wound up with the rake.
I preferred this.
It was heavenly outside yesterday.
I hoola hooped, play dough molded and "worked the yard" (sounds like something out of a prison break...)
...all with a huge smile.
As my girls happily concocted play dough sundaes on the front porch I scoured the yard.
Silly me...I didn't bother to wear my gardening gloves. - Hence, the friendly blisters that I now wear on each hand. These aren't any fun for me today. I now have to remember to wear gloves of a different nature while using photo chemicals with my students. I have stylin' bright orange rubber gloves, complete with my name and smiley faces. They will act as my newest fashion statement until my hands heal. If any of you have darkroom experience you most likely know about the burn when chemicals manage their way into a cut.
I'm really bad at remembering to protect myself from harm. I'm usually focused on others. (Note to Self: Ask photo students to remind me to put gloves on!!)'s the greasy part. Kind of gross. But here it goes...
If you are a Mom you should "get this" deal right away.
Thanks to over tired children, a half sleepless night and a case of the Monday BLAHHHH's all around...
I didn't have time to shower this morning.
So I slopped on some co-co butter and my favorite green tea body spray (the two actually make a great combination.) and a heavy dose of deodorant!
I tossed on my Monday BLACK ATTIRE. (It's a work thing...Black Mondays)
I know...way to make the beginning of the work week that much more exciting, especially when half asleep, in the dark and getting ready.  (hint...hint...That was sarcasm.)
I don't get to be my usually bright self today. The personality will have to be that much more wild today.
...need to compensate for the dreary wardrobe!
I was off to make coffee, sandwiches, snacks and fight with my nine year old about moving her butt into gear!
I know...Let the Fun Fun Fun continue!!!
Addi is the epitome of "tween."
The teenage body doesn't exist, but BOY OH BOY THAT ATTITUDE WILL GET YOU EVERY TIME!
This morning I had wished that I could say goodbye and just walk out the door.
I really mean it!
Addi looks cool, broken shades and all.
I love the outdoors.
A walk around the block, around the town, around and around and around and aroooouunnnd...
...would have done me wonders!

I didn't have that luxury.

So I raised my voice to my "tweenie."I told her to stop being disrespectful and never "in my house say that she HATES me again...over putting socks on!!! ( yes, you read correctly) and then told her that she needed to chill out, take a deep breathe, get ready for school like her sisters and knock this crap off."

Was I Harsh?
Some may think yes.
Some, like my husband say that I am always too "easy" in these situations.
I can say that I don't feel guilty this time around. I know that I am the adult here, but my kid genuinely hurt my feelings. I was partially in shock, mostly damaged and partly pissed. Addi saw the look on my face during our a.m. "talk." She burst into tears. I must have looked freaky!
I love my Addison Elizabeth but my, oh, my does "my Harriet Drive Me Wild!"
I know that I've referenced this book in the past. I find myself thinking about it more and more often.
It gives me the oddest sense of normalcy.
I know that others have felt the way that I do because someone had the courage to write a book about it.---Of all things, a children's book! I don't think that most kids get it, but we parents do.

The day carried on and got better. I knew that it would.

All that is sweet... and true... and blue... and simple... and good...and lively...and joyous...and warm came out with the afternoon sun.
I remembered how much my girls and I love the Spring!
Homework was done (thank you Julia!!).
Work had come to an end.
It was time to hit the beach!!!
We are iced tea and hero junkies.
The kids were soooo excited!

...Note to self...bribe Addi with DELI in the future!! I do not need to be hated over socks again.

We ran, we played, we chased each other in the sand, down to the shore and back (many times).

We were in our element.

I am a beach babe at heart and so are my girlie girls.
If it's this nice out tomorrow I have plans to "ditch" gymnastics! I need more girlie time.

So here I am after a day of slightly smelly, blistery, greasy, out door beachy fun. I have showered (thank goodness) and feel even better!

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