There were two casualties of "the bug" in my home. Addison and I were both home from school today.
I swear, only teachers and moms feel guilty over being sick!
After a night of violently puking I found myself in the bathroom at 6:20 a.m.
I was not throwing up this time.
I was on my way into the shower and had my day's clothes piled high on the counter.
Jim walked in...
He looked at me as if I had five heads and said:
"So...What are you planning on doing? -Puking on some students...or just finding a corner of the school to puke in?"
In other words--- Billie, are you nuts????
I turned slowly, said,"What??"
His response,"Call in. Go back to bed."
Like a child being scolded, I lowered my head...
...mumbled a low, "I know...You're right."
...and walked out, with the intention of logging in my absence on-line.
The time to successfully report an absence had been deemed off limits.
I had missed the cut off time!
This had never happened to me before.
It was 6:30 a.m.
I knew it was late, but now I felt like an unreliable, loser.
I thought to myself ---Maybe I should go in.
Jim popped his head into the living room and chirped,"It feels good to always be right!"
OK...Reality check. Yes...He IS RIGHT.
I left a voice-mail at central office (the next and only option).
I called a colleague with the hope that he hadn't left for work and could deliver a back up plan for my students. RING RING RING...PICK UP!
...There's the teacher guilt. They will lose a day on their projects and be thrown off course but at least now they will be doing something that relates to the current project. Stomach problems really bite.
I got off of the phone, feeling better, knowing that my plans would be delivered.
I started to make breakfast for the kids in my drowsy, nauseous would be another twenty minutes before Julia was officially "on-duty."
So...I made the eggs and toast.
...Packed the three lunch boxes.
...Nearly threw up in one.
Addi was deemed my partner in sickness for the day.
She had wandered in clutching her belly.
It was before 7am. ADDISON typically gets dragged out of bed by yours truly.
Uhhh Oh...something was wrong.
She spoke in that "I don't feel so well" voice.
You know the one. Slightly drawn out, barely audible and whiney. (I had it earlier with Jim.)
I took one look at her and told her to "head to my room and cuddle up in my bed...I'd be joining her soon."(sound familiar?)
I stayed up long enough to see Grace and Chloe off to school, then I stumbled back into bed.
Addi slept with me for a bit then asked if she could watch cartoons.
I muttered something...what exactly...I don't remember. She was gone and I had my bed to myself.
I slept until close to noon. (sure sign that something was wrong with me)
I woke up feeling groggy, but better.
The sun was shining and flowers were beginning to bloom outside. I heard the tv and saw Addi on the couch. I didn't care how crappy we felt I was not willing to waste a gorgeous day. It's just not in me.
With my insistance Addi brushed her hair and we chilled out on the porch, enjoying a fine afternoon.
Chloe came home and we ate lunch outdoors.
...until it collapsed.
...then was rebuilt.
...then collapsed again.
...then was built again.
Julia played assistant to the architect today.
This went on for most of the next few hours. Chloe is one determined kid! I reminded her that 1/2 of the porch was in the shade.
Addi wanted it too, but she was deemed too big and not allowed in...
...especially after destroying it once while attempting to lay in it!
Poor Addi. So misunderstood by the smaller sisters. She'll grow into her long limbs eventually.
The sun worked wonders for me.
By the time Gracie strolled off of the bus...singing (as always) and picking flowers along the way...
I was back to my old self.
Stomach thing be gone!
Wooo Hooo!!!
By 4pm we were packed into the caravan on a mission to by plants for our front garden.
I let the girls choose.
We left the store with a cart overflowing with lavendar, pink pom-pom daisys, white daisy's, a shrub dripping with Japanese bells and my all time favorite...Heather. (How did they read my mind?)
My mind happily wandered to the day that I married their Daddy...
...carrying Heather in my bouquet.
...cutting into a cake adorned with dried Heather.
...while guests sat at tables surrounding dried Heather and vintage jadite arrangements.
The day was beautiful...tummy trouble and all.
The view from out front door. |
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"Mom, can we cook it?" |
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My beautiful bunny. |
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It's Crock weather again! |
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Our neighbor's yard is the greatest! |
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Reflections in shiny cars are lovely this time of day. |
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Addi spied something in the grass! |
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Our neighborhood. |
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Chloe rolls on... |
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Grace finds treasure everywhere we go. This is a soft leaf...we think! |
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Chloe's walking shoes. |
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Thank you for the portrait Mommy exists. |
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Gracie wants to cook the onion grass for dinner... I think that she and Chloe are in on this together. |
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