Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fairyland...It's In My Yard!

Queen Mab feasts on red grapes and drinks dew from the magenta flowers.
Her loyal followers flutter about when no one is watching...
...peeking through our windows.
These magical, sprites dance and twirl in my front garden each and every night.
They seek shelter from storms and the darkness.
Faeries live in our yard.

This is what my children tell me.
This is what they believe to be true.

I believe them.
Julia, Grace and Chloe were on the front lawn when Addi and I pulled up in the car.
Each was very involved in the project at hand.
Addi and I walked over and saw looks of determination on their faces.
They were focused and didn't wish to be distracted.
This was hard work...

Faerieland must be completed.

"Just the right" sticks, flowers and leaves could only be used.
Each scrutinized by my mini architects and Julia.
Yes, Julia was heavily involved in this too.
...One more reason that I appreciate her. Her antics are much like my own.
...One more reason to beam with delight, feeling like the luckiest Mama around.

Right then and there I decided that Addi didn't need to rush off and do homework.
There was a faerie palace that needed her immediate attention.
Addi is a pro at picking flowers and leaves. She'd come in handy!

Julia took a break. I helped out while attempting to clean, take photos of the magic and cook dinner.
I use the word ATTEMPTED.
After a few hours of:
... building
... serious kid critiques and rebuilds
...cartwheels in the yard with Chloe (She says my legs went straight up every time!)
...my daisy's were plucked against my will (but looking good in fairyland)
...ripped leaves scattered on the lawn (they were rejected)
...overcooked chicken and undercooked corn on the cob (not a good multitasking day for Mom)
...a somewhat clean house (got that one right)
...kids ready for dinner (manual labor makes you hungry)
...a masterpiece for faerie living on the front lawn was done and awaiting inhabitants.

Peter Pan would be proud.
So would Tink!
Fairy House

The girls ran outside, sneaking near the dwelling at least every hour before bed.
Grace even got out of bed once and went out!
No fairy sightings.
This morning was more of the same.
I wonder if they slept?
Faerie Food

Food for thought:
It's been close to a century since two little girls from England took photos of faeries at play.
These images were taken while they played in the forest near a small waterfall.
Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle themselves, believed in these girls, their images and in faerie folk.
Kodak camera company inspected each image that the novice photographers had taken. The company and its experts testified that the images were original, untampered, original photos and plates.
To this day no one has disproved this.

What do you believe?
Showing Dad
Finishing Touches

Faerie Checks!

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