The tamest of the Zombies |
What do you do when your oldest kiddo is a big ole' wimp?
Some help me with this one...pretty please.
I love her to pieces...Oh yes, I do...
My baby has got soul and she can groove,
My girl is a dancing Queen.
Her vocals are astounding.
She can sing with the best of em' and will blow you away.
She draws as if her hands were on fire!
...Moving fast and scorching page after page.
But man oh man...
...My kid is a wimp.
We avoid "certain movies" in our house.
THOR can now be added to the list along with
What can I do when I'm half asleep, brain dead, a walking zombie and have to get up for the umpteenth time, dashing to the rescue because the "grey snow people" are coming after her?
"there was a noise out there!!"
"MooooOm!! I'm really scared! HELP."
...the dog scratches and she jumps, yells, waking me and no one else ...of course!
I don't like my big/little girl crying in the middle of the night and asking me if I'm mad at her because I had to get up again?
If I hate her?
If I can pleeeeaase snuggle because she's not lying, she's really, seriously, scared of sounds that she hears and the pictures in her mind from the movie!
I believe her and never think that she's lying.
I understand that she's scared.
I love snuggling!!
I don't love dragging my butt out of bed in a 1/2 sleep..
...1/2 understanding what she's saying.
Maybe that's the "mad" part.
I don't want her to think that I'm angry.
At 3a.m., I literally, don't know which end is up, taking more time than necessary for speech to register.
Would I rather be back with Johhny Depp on a yatch or cruising through the night sky with Thor, hammer in hand, the wind blowing us close together...
But I am supposed to be Super Mama.
Troubled children...never fear... Super Sleepy Mama's coming!!
I am the hero with a utility belt made of daisy chained hair ties, Mrs. Meyer's spray cleaner and Oxy Clean are tucked around my waist tightly along with a spatula and glue sticks. My mask is a crafter's dream and my cape, a stained, but well loved "nigh-night".
Did I mention that I wear a tu-tu and my fish nets are torn?
But I'll be there...
...come hell or high water if one of my babies cries out.
That, after all, is how I got this way...
...I'm dishevelled and proud.
Addi is just not an action packed, scary movie kind of a girl.
She's not a scary, action filled ride kind of girl either.
Our Addi is a Ferris wheel, carousel kind of a kid.
Slow and tricks...or things that "go bump."
She is incredibly visual...
-A blessing, but an over active imagination has a way of torturing its host!
Trust me.
I speak from experience.
There have been many nights where I have refused to go to the bathroom for fear that a murderer lurked behind a door, or in the shower...
Do Addison's worries hold the family back sometimes?
But that's life...
...Grace refusing to ride a bike holds us back from certain things as well.
...Chloe wanting to be held a whole lot does the same.
They are kids.
We're a family.
It comes with the territory.
It will be years before Jim and I sleep together, comfortably in our own bed.
We get it.
Their willingness to try news things enables us do alot too.
We have been jumping and diving into water for years, thanks to my little fish...all swimming by age three.
We navigate rocky beach shores and go camping, fishing and on "girlie road trips" thanks to our adventurous spirits.
My house, furniture and yard are transformed into magical, often uncertain places because my girls image fantastic things and then bring them to life!
Roller Derby fever strikes every night thanks to active chickies on wheels!
Now I need skates too!
My kitchen is arranged "just so"...meaning all at certain levels in order for my little people to reach them. They have accerted their independence at early ages. They get plates/cups on their own.
The future holds endless possibilities.
This stuff is just "stuff."
--Bumps in the road.
Let me leave you with a special thanks to Addi, for allowing me to sleep in 20 minute increments and eventually return to my own bed, undetected ( at 4am).
Thanks to Gracie love, who slept planted on top of my legs, due to lack of bed space.
--She sweats...I felt like I peed in my pants when I got up.
Thank you to Chloe who complained about being "crushed" and "having no room" for what felt like an eternity. (I reminded her that she could always go in her own bed.- Lots of room there!)
Thank you to Jim...who did nothing but sleep. How did you do that?! Damn it!
Lastly, thank you to Lightning who scratched himself silly all night, leg thumping, collar jingling... and in the process scaring the hell out of Addi every time...So in that process, I was woken EVERY TIME!
--OK...I'm stopping now...The sleep deprivation is catching up with me.
4 o'clock tea is calling my name.
Note to self: Wipe the counters after spilling tea. - I'll use my cape for the job.
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