Monday, May 14, 2012

Grace...Queen of the Pity Party.

For us, last week surely can be dubbed A week of Luck.  The weekend was spent, in part, counteracting jealousy and the lower than low feelings of one particular little girl.

By the end of the week, our Addi had found EIGHT four leaf clovers! Some on the school playground, others in our neighbors yard and one at Grace's friend's house when she offered to walk to the door and ring for her sister. Addi has dubbed herself the luckiest kid ever. I am in agreement.
--Feeling as if she's bound to set a Guinness record if this keeps up.
--Also saying "BRING ON THE LUCK!"

Grace had dubbed herself CURSED.
She was no longer content with finding only ONE clover, while Addi had found so many and Chloe had found two. competitive little chickie!
My heart skipped a beat. I was sad for her, not wanting her to be so upset with herself for such a silly reason.
I was turning this one around fast.
Jim and I were on it!
The name of the game was Reverse Psychology.
We took turns over the course of an hour explaining how creative her luck was.
That it made her special...
...and made the luck that much more like her.
Her luck came from unusual places..
...and was found in different forms of nature!
Of course, this would make it more difficult to find lots of it, everywhere!
It was a rarer kind of luck than the average clover.
Just like her.

Jim pointed out that, "She was only one of us to find her clover in a book, just waiting for her."

She raised a brow, interested, wanting more.
Come on your magic!
He continued..."That makes your clover even luckier. It was waiting for you for so long."

OKAY... She was hooked.

I had said the same thing to her five minutes ago on the lawn.
Grace NEEDED reinforcement.
Our Gracie girl isn't sold easily.
...never has been.
... never will be.
The Mom/Dad combo deal did the trick.


Images of us in red tights, shiny body suits and capes flowing in the breeze (with our perfect hair) soared through my mind in a flash.

The Dynamic Duo of Super Mom and Super Dad  had foiled the villain Pessimism again!

We knew that Pessimism would return.
He sneaks into our Grace's mind at ease.
When the time came we'd be ready...

It helped that  Mini Me, our side kick Chloe was on the job as well.
While Addi gloated, royally pissing grace off, Chloe soothed her bruised ego.

"Don't worry Grace...I'll share mine with you."

"No. I want my own."

"I'll help you find one. There are so many."

...Chlo Chloe the Magnificent.
She always says the right thing.
--Makes her Mama proud.
--At the same time I hope that Grace will get to the point where the drastic measure and theatrics are no longer required.
It's exhausting!

I know that it is part of the Little Diva's personality though.
We just need to tame it a wee bit...just a smidgen.
Or our sanity will be compromised when she reaches her pre-teen years.

I'm happy to report that Saturday and Sunday were lovely.
Gracie went on finding luck in unusual places.
She saw the world with those rose colored glasses that she so adores, but for real this time!
It found her... the beach.
In the...
... horse shoe shaped Indian paint rock that she found.
....with the two shells, that when placed next to one another made a perfect heart.
...on the orange lady bug that stuck to her like glue.
It wore SEVEN spots.

She glowed.
All of natures signs pointed to luck.
She was like her sisters after all.

I was able to witness this unfold.
...this story of new found understanding that belonged to my middle daughter.

When she's older and ever facing the monster, that is self doubt I 'll show her this.
Hopeful, that it will do the trick and kick Pessimism's butt.

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