I love watching my children flip, balance and tumble. I thoroughly enjoy seeing the proud looks on their little, cherubic faces after they attempt a coached maneuver and wave to me... knowing that I have seen them and return the gesture with a wave and smile. HOWEVER... TONIGHT I NEEDED MY ZONE OUT TIME. Don't I deserve at least that after a long day? APPARENTLY NOT.
Turning in a half circle, I noticed a former colleague of mine. She is another frequent gymnastics "watcher." I can depend on seeing her once a week. It is a pleasure to make a non-mommy connection with someone here. Again, I love being MOM but I value my individuality and sense of self. -Both of which are diminishing. I guard, protect, and try to nurture them with every over tired breathe I take. I hope that one day this will pay off and maybe time will be on my side. I will finish a painting again! Sorry for the ramble. Back to preggie friend. Yes, this mom is pregnant. Her 2 nd child is on the way in a matter of weeks and she was currently flocked by two other preggies. I didn't fit in the circle for obvious reasons. But damn it I tried! I was interested in the conversation and bored after 1 1/2 hours of being the enthusiastic watcher. Here's where the foot went in the mouth.
All were agreed that it's more difficult to name a male than a female. Girls can have cute names or names that they grow into and if it's too adult a nick name always works. BOY names on the other hand can lead to an array of arguments between couples. Come on Dads, admit it. You are more likely to get involved when naming the future son. Being the mom of three I've heard it all and been there.
"He'll get beat up!"
"He'll never be called Jackson. It'll be Jax or some other abbreviated form."
"Why Richard? So people call him Dick?!"
"That one's too feminine."
"He'll never be taken seriously with a name like Tristan."
"Ok...I can deal with that...wait no, I can't."
"Let's just call him JR. He can be the 5th of a long line of Johns."
This commentary goes on. They had some good ones. they complained about their husband's p.o.v.'s. I chimed in. I mentioned that for my first 2 pregnancies we were in agreement over choices for both sexes. When baby number 3 came around things changed. The pressure was on. Suddenly my husband got formal on me. Where were the great names like Elijah, Gavin, Rowan, Ethan? Ya' know the ones that we had liked in the past? After the birth of two beautiful daughters my husband decided that it was ok to let our then, 4 yr. old daughter name the baby if it was a girl....because according to him, "It was never going to happen. What are the chances?" I was looking at names like James John, James William and wait...John William. Are we pilgrims??? Where's Plymouth Rock? I was constantly reminding him that this child should be an individual and not take on an older relatives name. You have your own personality therefore you should begin life with your own name. No offense to all the JUNIOR CREATORS out there or the juniors. Luckily, Chloe Ryan was born. We had a third, healthy, happy daughter - that was not a Pilgrim. There I said my peace.
Heads nodded in agreement with all but one Mommy. She exchanged a knowing glance in the direction of my former colleague. They smiled at one another and all was quiet. I had done it! There's the foot! Her son's name was William Butch. He was named after her father-in-law. I tried to repair the damage. I wanted to have a social circle here. They are all really nice women. Friends are good...REPEAT...friends are good. My response,"Ahhh, a pilgrim name. Well at least he's only 1/2 pilgrim." Off we went onto the next topic and waving to our children again. The girls' classes ended. We waved "bye" and smiled at one another. Next week we'll see if I still have gymnastics friends.
The pink blurr over our dog and behind me, (as I attempt yoga ) is my middle child wildly demonstrating a cartwheel.
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