It was so exciting. I felt like I was doing something illegal. How did I manage this? It was 11:20. I was five minutes late and on my way out the door with my sister.
We all know that once you join the "mommy club" being five minutes late is the equivalent of five seconds.
But seriously...My friend and fellow mommy comrade was bound to be waiting for me. I was feeling guilty. I yelled for my sister, Marnee and we were out the door!
Yes...It was also a "great escape" because I was able to smuggle my little sister out with me!
I had a friend and a sister to play with. This, in essence, was a Mommy play-date.
I love our sister time. If only there were more days in the year.My friends and I could abandon our obligations, throw caution to the wind and I'd get my sister on the eastbound LIRR train more often. For now two hours were ours.
Off to Crystal Nails we go!
Leg massage.
..and the ever popular shoulder and neck rub while air drying.
That, my friends is my favorite part.
This was the first professional pedicure that I had gotten since the summer.
It felt great!
For the past few months I've had my fingers and toes painted by New York's top, five and six year old makeover team.
-Didn't think so.
After the toes were painted a fresh and funky shade of blue and I was feeling relaxed we were off to the DMV.
Yup, the Department of Motor Vehicles awaited.
Today was one of the nicest days of the year and I was attempting to update my license and Marnee needed a new one.
Sisterhood is grand...At least we have the same annoyances to deal with.We were there to keep each other company.
I assured Marn that it would be a breeze..."Who's going to this place on such a nice day, and during a holiday break?"
We looked.
We listened.
We searched the perimeter for a sign...any sign that could tell us an approximate wait time.
What's wrong with this place?
They must really want us to feel as if we're in Purgatory.
For a moment all I heard was... "Buhler...Buhler...Buhler."
Then I snapped out of it. Marn said,"NO way. Let's get out of here."
We had decided to leave and will attempt to head back in the morning as soon as they open. Then off to grab the kids(who will be getting ready with Julia...again, thank goodness for Julio!) Then we'll be off to the city and onto a new adventure.
For now we were in K-Mart.
Not very exciting but they have a bathroom and sell La La Loopsie Dolls. These are the current "hot item" with the elementary click. Those trendy under 12's need there imitation, plastic, rag dolls. I don't mind. It could be worse. They could want toy guns or something...Oh, wait I've already gone down that road! (please see previous blogs if you're curious!)
These dolls are creative and cute. A recycler/crafter's dream. All buttons and bows, frills, lace and pets! Yes, each doll has a pet with an outrageous name that no human being could possibly ever remember.
I think we own Pillow Featherbed, Patch Adams...wait that was Robin Williams in a movie...Ummm, Bea Spells a Lot, Splatter Splotch Splash and a few little sister dolls. I don't think that I'm right about these names. I never will be.
K-Mart was wiped out! I don't know how it was possible. Relatives and friends out there please be on the look out for me. It doesn't matter which one as long as it's not the MERMAID.
---Don't exactly know why but my girls have something against her.
The bathroom was gross.
Women of the world...or at least K-Mart...
Or for God's sake wipe the seat clean!!
...didn't your parents teach you anything?!
...and out we went with my arms full of snacks and three adorable skirts that I shouldn't have bought.
Am I spoiling my girls? Every girls needs a cheap, but adorable piece to add to her wardrobe every-so-often.
I'm teaching them the art of bargain shopping.
My young Paduans will appreciate this much when they are older and no longer spending my money.
Maybe they will understand the Dark Side of the mall and will avoid inflated prices!
As Marn and I were leaving we bumped into our Mom. Wow...a family reunion in K-Mart. So Random..really. I hardly ever go there. This was odd. We hugged. We kissed. We felt awkward. We"ll see each other soon!
The adventure continued. Thankfully, the kids all had sunblock on. I neglected mine. You'd think that I'd learn being that I just had two procedures to remove "mutated, abnormal cells."
This is another case of Mom being a martyr. I care for the kids and not myself.
Note to SELF: Damn it! Wear SPF 45 fool!!!
...Julia I hope you got this. Can you put mine on for me before I leave for school? I'll stand in line with the kids.
My girls monopolized the bars on the playground. These were the Gymnast bars, not to be confused with the monkey kind.
Lots of..."Mom that's not what are." "MoOOOom wrong bars." and "These are the serious bars, like in gymnastics Mom." would be launched in my direction or anyone else's.
After a few minutes of Julia pushing Chloe's heels over her head and around on the tallest bar it was my turn. If your kids are like mine than you know that this action id endless.
"OK, again. Ok, Again. One more time please. Again. Again."
AAAHHHHHhhhhh! My legs and butt were sore from my three intense work out mornings and now my arms felt like they were about to go LIMP.
I smiled...and gave a wise.."Baby, one more time there are other children waiting."
Can we say smooth?
Worked like a charm...
...for five minutes.
this was the playground shuffle. Two kids chasing and tagging Aunt Marnee endlessly. With a tag team effort one daughter always came my way to be propelled around a bar. Then SWITCH!
They are slick! - They are my kids!
-Even worse..or maybe better...They are their father's daughters!
Note to Self: We did this to ourselves...Must remind Jim.
...Julia, Marnee did you get that too? Can I count on having both of you do my dirty work for the rest of the week. I'm feeling brain dead. Too much swinging and spinning in one day!
Here's the rest of the day in a nut shell.
Grocery store...because when you have three kids you live there.
Dinner...must feed the troops.
Baths...stinky, sand coated children need cleaning desperately.
Yes, I'm crazy.
Marnee and I decided to take Addi with us on a whim.
She vanished to grocery store land with Julia and her sisters though. We were momentarily derailed.
Marnee and I sat like perverted stalkers in the Trailblazer, outside of the house.
When the Caravan pulled into the drive way Addi wasn't sure if it was safe to walk over!
She said that "we looked creepy sitting here all shadowy!"
I imagine we did.
People must wonder what goes on here.
Why would the owner of the house sit outside, in front, in the car for close to fifteen minutes?
Like most of my girlie adventures this one got better as the night moved on. We were happily on our way. Three ladies in a manly car, headed to the mall and listening to today's greatest hits on the radio. Addi sang along. Only a nine year old could love the ten songs, played on constant loop that much. ...especially after hearing them thousands of times.
We were making mall plans, as any good shopper would do when Addi blurted out a statement that will ring in my ears forever.
Do you know what a period is?
Has anyone told you about periods yet? (I know I hadn't!)
---Let the inerrogation begin.---
Marnee and I downplayed it for her sake and ours.
Something to know about my lovely Addi..she is the kid that won't be able to dissect the frog or pig or whatever small creature they cut apart.
She will faint.
She will throw up.
She will scream bloody murder.
She's even afraid of the thought of blood.
The word make her shudder.
What am I going to do when she gets her period?
There's only so much help that I can give!!
During the rest of our ride, we sang more, we laughed a lot and every few minutes Addi would blurt out...
My eldest daughter was freaking herself out. She's good at doing this. It's bringing her down from panic mode that's tricky. Thankfully she never went ther. I have to admit I was shocked. Addi has been doing that a lot lately.
...the shocking me thing.
At the mall the three of us did all of the things that you typically do. We tried on clothes together. Then we headed to the hats, scarves and jewelry. We searched for La La Loopsy -like accessories (think big bows in funky patterns). Next it was coffee and ice cream time. We had late night fun.
Addison is turning into a pretty interesting "biggish - smallish" person. (She's not big yet!) I didn't feel like she was my little girl tonight. The three of us were relating to each other as "women." It was more of an equal playing field. It was genuine and unscripted...totally new. This feels strange to type and even stranger to read, but I don't know how else to express it. I wasn't playing the role of Mom. I wasn't reprimanding her or asking her to do her homework for the one hundredth time. There was no nagging involved. We felt closer than we had in awhile.
At one point Marnee stated,"Addi really needed tonight." In reality we all did.
The "period" thing came up again on the ride home. I need to pull up a few good sites to check out with my kiddo. She won't feel at ease with out some kind of "real" proof (...meaning not from my mouth) that it will be ok and she'll be ok when it happens.
Thankfully, based on genetics we have a few more years to go!
My Addi Love (as I like to call her) bought an awesome fedora and a killer Mickael Jackson-like, black, pleather, sleeveless, studded motorcycle vest. She wears them well!
Maybe she toughening up!
Addi fell asleep curled between her Dad and I on the couch while I stroked her hair.
She's still our little girl.
I'm still searching for more La La Loopsies.
1) My stove-top this morning.
2-5) Addison, Grace, Chloe and their friend practicing for cheer camp in the bedroom.
6) My poor, concerned Addi love.
7) My poor. poor, exhausted feet!
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