Here I think...
...Amazed that I have time to do either of these things.
I am the Grande Poo-Ba of time management!
The question is will I ever be Poo-Ba again?
Last night's hope for a romantic Valentine evening with "my guy" went POOF!
It vanished into thin air by 1pm.
I was at work, teaching and not feeling my peppy, wacky self. I was a basket case with flushed cheeks, wandering the halls of the high school that I teach at. After misplacing my mega-wad of classroom keys 3X (which is close to impossible to do just based on the size of them) and seeing stars twice...I saw the writing on the wall. I had my temperature taken only to discover that I was feverish. 101!!! Noooooooooo! Why? Why? Why?
I had flashbacks of sick ghosts from holidays past. Beds peed in. Bathrooms turned into war zones! Couches thrown up on. Floors thrown up on. Beds thrown up on!
...You get the picture.
The catch... I'm not usually the one sick!! I had really, really been looking forward to "vegging" out on the couch with Jim, watching our favorite show together (every Tuesday, 10pm slot), cuddling up, stealing a few kisses, opening a gift clad in hearts and maybe a bedroom adventure afterwards. Wink...wink.
Is that so much to ask for?
I sounded like someone had stuffed tissues permanently up my nose because I was severely congested. I know what you're, right?!
I now had a gorgeous red glow to my face...yes, perfect for Valentine's Day!
I was bummed out.
With ten minutes to spare before attempting to go from SICKO to VIDEO TEACHER I called my guy. My motto...When in doubt, when upset, when happy or mad, excited or sad
...I CALL MY GUY. (Note to self: Chill out on the Dr.Seuss books for a while!)
He isn't always thrilled about this. I've interrupted many a lunch break and meeting over the years. Like most of my other quirks he's used to it. I wouldn't be the woman that he married if I didn't stop to send him word that Gracie had a great day at soccer, Addi had, not one, but three art pieces going into the yearly Art and Music Festival or that Chloe simply missed him. I also call when I miss him too...or have a temperature that could deflate any dreams of a happy Valentine's night.
Could he talk?
-So...I texted him.-
Was he suprised by this turn of events?
-He half expected it.-
After ten years of bumpy, but happily married years and close to nine years of dating one another before that, I've learned that this could be looked at more than one way.
1) It's not fair.
2) We can still snuggle together.
3) What else could go wrong?
4) There will be another reason to celebrate soon enough...We'll make up for it!
5) I'm so lucky to be loved.
6) At least the kids are happy.
7) all of the above.
After years of multiple choice questions every fool should know that the correct answer is always:
7) all of the above
The count down had begun only 42 minutes until that second bell. Was I insane to continue? Who cares at this point, right?! I was here. There wasn't time for a substitute teacher to be alerted. The show goes on!
---My students think I'm weird anyway---
...stereotypical Art Teacher.
...aren't we all a little "OFF?"
The bell rang and I lunged for my cell phone. I quickly dialed Julia! Julio. Julio. Julio. I neeeeddd yooouuu... TO DO IT ALL.
But I didn't really say that. Our conversation was rapid, slightly confusing and involved a lot of...
"I'll call them's"... "I'll see if they can's"... and the ever popular..."maybe my Mom can help."
In the end I had close to quiet. I had my Addi home, doing her homework and eating dinner with me. Time alone with my oldest is always a bonus, even if I feel awful. Julia was at gymnastics with Grace and Chloe. She would be back by 5:20 to drop Chloe home for dinner and a bath and bring Addi to her gymnastics class. Grace would be back by 6:30 for dinner and bath time. Then Julia, the "cabbie" would take off again! Cruising one more time to gymnastics in order to catch Addi's last few minutes of tumbling and head back home. Time for Addison to shower and most likely eat again! (Growth spurt.) Did I mention that I was on bath and dinner duty? Yup, that was me... Super Momma and please don't forget my side kick, Cab Woman!
Jim came home to find the kids asleep. The house was clean, quiet and my sorry butt was planted on the couch with Julia close by. It was our t.v. time. (meaning mine and Julia's. Mine and Jim's was in 45 minutes.) We had been off of our feet for a whopping 7 minutes!
My husband must have thought that I had been lying there all night drinking green tea and eating toast.
HAH!!! Where's a hidden camera when I need one? The closest thing that I have is the trailbazer's gas guage. It is now close to empty. A mere casualty in the battle between good .vs. evil or should I say kids .vs. the couch?
My guy kissed me, put his p.j.'s on and plopped a pretty pink bag on my lap.
Victoria's Secret
Ladie's we all know what the magenta stripes mean.
It must have an expensive bra and panty set in it.
The kind that I would never spend my money on.
...or have time to spend my money on.
Cotton Pajamas? ...
...with pink polk dots!
Not what I had expected, but exactly what I had needed.
This is why I love my husband.
After close to two decades together he knows just who I am and what I need. I think I've finally figured him out too! - Well, almost.
Let's have a quote today: "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes, you just might find...ya get what ya need. Ohhh yeah."
Come on, sing it with me folks. I know you want to! Thank you Mick.
I feel much better today. I thank my children for sleeping in their own beds for 3/4's of the night.
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