Thursday... Thursday! I smile when I think of days like today. It's soothing to know that we get a Thursday every week. What a sweet day it is! Rain, snow, hail, meteor shower, sunshine or clouds... it's a glorious little piece of Heaven.
The teachers all know how spent our children are when this day approaches. Homework is lessened on Thursdays. My students are more relaxed and open for class discussions on Thursdays. It makes teaching the same course 5, yes, 5 times in a row that much more enjoyable. Is it because they know that Friday is on it's way? I don't know. I can only speculate.
Although Thursday is a later teaching day for me I have my Art and Literary club to look forward to after-school. There's nothing better than spending a late afternoon with a passionate, intelligent, eager group of young adults. Their eagerness to learn, explore...and yell and argue about art in the form of critique is eye opening. Who needs coffee when I have my club?! They keep me young just as my own babies at home do. While at my club meeting I called home to remind Julia, our au pair extraordinaire that I will be late because of the meeting. Who am I kidding? She knew. Julia always knows these things. At the age of 20 she has more brain power than I will ever have again. Granted, I can multi task better than most but I also forget where I put my keys, drink or current project mid-way. I have reached the point where the brain is on overlaod and has been instructed to disregard certain tidbits. The brain doesn't care if it's the name of your child's best friend's mother, the capitol of Spain, that your daughter has a dental appointment or where your wallet is that's being deleted. You may run frantically like a chicken with out a head screaming...

The information is gone. Ready for new info. to be uploaded. But, have no fear. Julia is there to point to the keys with a kind smile. Oh silly you... They're in your hand.
THURSDAY is for forgetting about the rat race and remembering to play with your children after work. It's for taking a long stroll around the block after dinner. For raiding the chocolate stash and baking cookies to be shared at your tea party. It doesn't matter that it'll get dark soon or that it's a school night. Look at Luna above and count the stars. Tomorrow is Friday. So go ahead, take advantage. Read your kids 5 or 6 bedtime stories tonight instead of 2. Do what I did the other night and fall asleep on the couch while reading to your brood. One child on my right, one snuggled up against my left and the other darling planted on top of me, book dangling from hand. Be the proud owner of these "fantastical"(this is one of my favorite made up words) moments and relish THURSDAY.
Happy, Almost Friday!
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