-That's my time.
My family is tucked away from harm, in our little, green house.
It's when I do the laundry, run the dishwasher, make the lunches for the following morning, give the floor an extra sweep and begin to think about what clean clothes I can throw on in a hurry the following morning! You know, before the troops wake.
But, it's more importantly, my time.
It's my time to smile.
My time to sigh with relief.
... or sometimes, even to cry.
These aren't always tears for expressing sorrow.
Memories and achievements have a way of making my heart sing...
That song can take it's shape in tears of joy.
Some people think it shameful to cry.
We don't feel guilty or shameful with a smile.
Crying shouldn't always be closeted away.
Granted, we shouldn't become blubbering idiots at the drop a hat.
Self control is detrimental in our society during certain social circumstances.
I understand this. My children will (hopefully) understand this as they mature.
Children are granted the "priviledge" of tearing up whenever their little hearts desire. Any parent that's been "there" themselves and witnessed an outcry or wailing in a department store...
... and sees a panicked parent try to respond appropriately says nothing...
... and typically does nothing to make that parent feel "wrong", guilty or foolish.
Believe me we feel guilty already...no need to rub it in.
Thankfully, most think," I've been there too." "I remember those days." "Thank God my kids are past that phase." "That Poor Mom (or Dad)." or, some, will look at you during the loudest, shrill cry... just after your kiddo has thrown themselves to the ground, and give you a sympathetic grin, saying something like,"Don't worry, you're not alone. It gets better."
At that point you're so stressed out and humiliated that you rush a "Thank you." or mumble and sprint for the nearest exit.
I haven't had one of those moments in a long time. (I'm knocking on wood as I type!)
My kids are fairly predictable with tantrums these days.
It's funny...I'm SUPER happy about this, but it's one more thing that makes me realize that they're getting older. We don't have babies in our house anymore. We have little girls. We have a completely different set of woes, landmarks, milestones and turning points.
Tonight I've found myself going through my photos. Getting sappy.
Loving every moment!
The past has given us so much.
What does the future hold for our family, for our girls?
I leave you with a visual essay.
Here are images that I cherish. Others are amazing photos that my kids have taken when they "stole" the camera. A few are from the past that make me smile... or get me to tear up.
...Take a visual feast.
*road trips
*getting the "sillies"
*photo-both fun
*every day wonder
*inspiring moments
*family discoveries
*hidden treasures
*school days and nights
*simple beauty
*us and the little, green house
*fantasy and creativity celebrated
To think...This is where it all started.
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