---If that makes sense.
Leave it to Tiny to see through my stress and turn it to gold. She helped me see the world through her eyes for the afternoon...
Addi and Grace were off cruising to the park in the Trailblazer with Julia. It was my goal to have all three kids go, leaving me with a solid two hours of alone time. This wasn't the "mani - pedi" time that I still wish to claim this week. This was cleaning, organizing and putting away Winter time! This was far better in my book. It was time to dust away the cobwebs and let in a little Spring!
Like many other well laid plans, this one hit a bump in the road. - In more ways than you know.
Chloe became incredibly emotional. She had a fit! Chlo-Chlo has been going through a new phase. It's the "Mommy Daddy I need you all of the time" phase. It's super sweet, but very demanding. I remember it well with my other girls...and they still give me a taste of it now and again. It's when I fight the urge to calm them down or distract them. I scoop them up and cradle them instead. This is pure magic.
Just HUG and love to be hugged!
...badly for Chloe.
...badly for her non-tolerant sisters.
...badly for the friends they were meeting.
...badly for everyone at the park!
...and horribly for Julia!
I looked into Chloe's swirling blue eyes and saw misery. She was teared up and gripping my leg. My baby needed me. I couldn't refuse her.
I popped my head into the trailblazer and said,"Chloe will be going with me. I need to talk with her for a little bit. (code to Julia for...she"s a mess and WON'T MAKE IT.) We'll try and meet you at the park." I had no intention of going to the park. I told "a little, white lie." No harm done? Right?(...hope not.) -Need to keep the other two little ladies in the car and ready to travel. Addi was on to me. She wasn't pleased but accepted it. ...Thank you for being reasonable Addi!
Gracie wasn't as willing. As I leaned into the car for a quick smooch. She began to whine from the third row. "MoooOOM!! No fair!! I want to go toooooo!"
---OH NO!
---Quick, Billie...Think on your feet.
Kiss...Kiss...Kiss. "Love You's" all around. Bye!!! Slam the door, cutting Grace off mid whine and RUUUUNNN for the other car!
Chloe sat in her booster seat, her nigh-night wrapped around her arm and resting on her lap. She was mellow now and much happier that, for once, things ended in her favor rather than one of sister's. Being the youngest in a tribe of strong personalities can be rough.
I see what goes on in my house.
...even though my little ladies don't think I do!
I have eyes in the strangest places.
Chloe and I were off to the bank. I needed to get $ into my checking account ASAP. No need to bounce the Cheer Camp check! I need to stay on the good side of the coaches. We have three potential cheerleaders coming their way. I predict at least a dozen years in the company of these bouncy women.
...Bouncy in most athletic sense of the word.
I pulled into the parking lot.
Turned the car off.
My phone rang.
It was my Mom.
I explained to Chloe that Bannie (my Mom) was on the phone and we'd be in the car for a minute.
A minute turned into TEN. (Sorry Chloe.)
Hung up. Grabbed little Chlo.
Locked the doors.
Used the ATM.
Walked back to the car only to discover my KEYS LOCKED INSIDE!!
Oh look...There they are, conveniently NEXT TO MY CELL PHONE!
I have been transported to 1995.
What to do with a five year old, no car and NO PHONE???!!
We walked back into the bank.
The nice teller lat us use her desk phone.
Tried to call ON-Star service to auto unlock the door.
I love these people and their satellites.
...freaks me out knowing how much control they have and how little I have, but oh well.
I've never locked the Caravan keys in the car before.
We'll find out.
...The nice man on the other end of the confirms that I do not.
"Sorry ma'am. Have a nice day."
Chloe is happily sucking on a bank lolly pop and coloring in a bank coloring book.
Wow! I love these people too.
Thank you for keeping my little lady happy while her Mommy is about to melt down.
---OK. I pulled myself together and smiled at Chloe.---
"It looks like we're stuck Chlo. Mommy can't open the car. We have to wait until Julia comes home with Addi and Grace to get into the car...
...What do you say, we walk and get some errands done?"
Chloe's priceless response,"That's okay, Mommy. It's a good day for an adventure. it's sunny out."
Oh, the many ways this kid can turn her Mama to proud mush!
Oh, Chloe... I love thee.
Let me count the ways.
My question for her," Chloe do you think that you can do it? It's a lot of walking."
Chloe's response,"Sure MOM. It'll be fun. Where are we going?"(Couldn't you just eat her up??!!)
We walked the streets of our little town for an hour and a half.
I'm so proud of my little lady.
She was excited the entire time.
She was never tired and never complained.
...not ONCE.
We talked.
...about bugs, sunshine, candy, stars, sand left over in the streets form the bad weather behind us.
We wondered together.
...will they be there when we get home?
We listened to the birds chirp and reflected...Spring MUST really be on it's way.
We smiled together and held hands all afternoon.
Supplies for hat making...CHECK
Money in proper account...CHECK
Slurpee for Chloe because she is amazing...DOUBLE CHECK
A wonderful day with my youngest...DOUBLE CHECK
Maybe next time I'll lock my keys in the car on purpose.
Thank you Chloe, for letting Mommy share the day with you.
You've given me a new memory to treasure.
I hope that one day you'll say that I've done the same.
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