...I'm an artist and teacher but after a winter of keeping up the creativity will a week of "MOM" be enough to hold them over?
As they've grown they've sprouted wings. I no longer have babies.
...I have social butterflies.
So again, I ask...
Will my Mommy Magic hold them over for the next seven days?
I always go into a mission fully prepared.
Here's the LIST:
*Crafting...Birthday Invitations for Grace and Chloe
*Crafting...Spring Flowers out of tissue paper
*Decorating the house with the flowers!
*Getting ready for Spring...Won't they love me when we spend a few hours cleaning out their closets?!
...Snow pants begone!!!
*An afternoon at the movies.
*3 afternoons hanging with some of my talented HS students at Cheer Camp.
...That means on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I have 2 hours free! I love my girls, but...HOORAY!
*Crafting...something...I'll think of this one later!
*Group effort to teach Grace how to ride a 2 wheeler.
...This one could be tricky!
*2 Sleepovers planned at our house so far.
...Did I mention that I'm bringing 6, yes, 6 kids to the movies today? ...and yes, I volunteered for this.
*Lots and I mean LOTS of time out doors.
*(PLAN B) Taking out the water based markers and draw on the kitchen tiles if it rains...the kids have fun and clean the floor when they wipe up their art! What could be better?
*(PLAN BB) Roll out the BIG brown, butcher paper and make crazy murals! We'll trace each other, glitter-ize it, glue it, color it and paint it! Ta Da!
*A train ride in to NYC.
- This is my wind-down the week...wind up the week-end day.
...What will we do there? Not sure yet. I typically "wing" this. My girls are good travelers...thankfully. This will be another one of our girly adventures. Maybe we'll meet Jim for lunch and head to the Central Park Zoo or roam the Museum of Natural History. Dinosaurs rock!
All that I can do is hope that these things, lots of Mommy hugs, snuggly nights... without the worry of "early rising" for school and MY FINGERS CROSSED are enough for my little ladies.
To all of you Moms and Dads out there:
Whether you are juggling to find childcare for your kids during this week "off", vacationing in a foreign place (which isn't always a vacation with kids) or juggling because your "week off" is really a "week on"...
May the force be with you.
May the Luck of the Irish guide you.
May the "Powers that Be" grace you with patience, kindness, lots of rest and craft projects galore!
Will Harry Potter waving his wand help?
No matter what...
When in doubt...
Have fun!
Embrace your inner child.
He or she is somewhere with in you...Time for that kid to come out and play!
I know that I have a few rounds of wii dancing with the Black Eyed Peas ahead of me and maybe if I'm feeling "loopy" I'll shake it with the Smurfs too!
1) The blurr of Chloe in motion as Grace climbs.
2) The blurr of Grace in motion!
3) Addi surrounded by some of her many stuffed toys. We tried to bury her in them!
4) Today's breakfast, wrapped and awaiting the kids while they got dressed.
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