I rocked her.
I sang to her.
I wandered the house aimlessly with her, as my other two daughters begged for my attention.
I felt guilty as I reminded the kids..."There are three girls and only one Mommy. Mommy can't do everything at once."
I reminded myself,"That's exactly what Mommy is supposed to do. Now get to it. Juggle."
After hours of torture I began wishing that Chlo would fall asleep. When nothing that I did worked, I began wishing that I could fall asleep.
What else threw a wrench into the evening's events? I know! My starving nine year old.
I feed my children.
They are healthy and well nourished.
Ours is a home filled with healthy, yummy treats.
Miss Addi currently eats like a truck driver. Truck drivers of the world forgive me...but, you know what I mean. Puberty is lovely. Hahahahaha! I hated it when I was there and now I dislike it even more being on the Mom end.
My little girl is at that awkward "round stage." You know, the one where the middle gets cute and chubby just before it all magically pushes upward, creating breasts.
Those mounds of fat have to come from somewhere.
Then they grow another three inches over night.
...and it's all over for the DAD.
His little girl gets hips and is labelled "pre-teen."
I'm happy in the"round" phase...so is Jim.
She's still our little one.
I just hope that I can keep up with her appetite!
Last night, just before bedtime I caught Addison rummaging through the fridge. She frequents this hot spot quite often. Mind you, this was after a dessert of ice cream and left over Valentine's Day chocolate. Now she wanted another meal. I said,"NO. NO WAY. Not five minutes before bedtime. You'll get a belly ache. Now...please get out of the fridge."
She didn't listen.
She ignored me!
"Addi...please close the fridge."
Addi,"Oh, ok Mom. Can I at least have a drink?"
Me,"sure honey. Of course...but that's it."
I walk into the kitchen to discover Addi eating a plate of food. She is happily dunking meat into a neat little cup of barbeque sauce.
First thought... I was impressed by the use of the dunking cup.
...even though...
That part I could handle. No big deal.
Then it hit me.
I knew where the food had come from.
Addison had picked apart the dinner plate that I had waiting for her Dad! She had ripped each and every onion ring into pieces...
...most likely looking for juicy onions to eat.
She had picked apart the meat and now had select pieces on her own plate.
She was very pleased with herself until I walked in...toting a still whiny Chloe.
I don't like to yell...really.
Those who know me praise me for my patience...really.
It was like that moment from the kids classic Harriet, You'll Drive Me Wild.
Remember the part of the book where Mom lets out a scream?
THAT WAS ME,...unfortunately.
Addi ran into her room and cried.
This is the second time in a week that she's run there in tears.
I felt guilty, but not right away.
First I checked on Grace and Chloe who were now tucked into bed and waiting for their bedtime story.Being the smart girls that they are they retreated to the comforts of their bunk-bed on their own. They wanted nothing to do with the drama that was their Mama or big sister!
I simply asked," Are you guys ok? Did Mommy freak you out?"
They both said yes and I hugged them, explained to them why I was upset and told them that I'd be right back...after talking to Addi.
Chloe in her youthful wisdom offered,"Mom, Addi really shouldn't have done that. It wasn't nice. Poor Daddy."
Grace shook her head in agreement and asked me to HURRY BACK.
Then I walked into Addi's room.
I took one look at my pathetic kid and she cried harder.
I must've had that evil "Mommy stare."
She said,"Mommy, I'm stupid. I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I don't know why I do this stuff."
Oh, my poor kid.
She'll get it someday.
After the self torturing teenage tears, she'll discover how truly amazing she is.
Until then, I'll do my very best to re assure "my Harriet" of her brilliance during those self doubting moments.
We spoke.
We hugged.
We had story time.
A good book can make it better no matter how old you are.
All three of my girls fell sound asleep smooshed together in the bottom bunk, aka Chloe's bed.
One more life lesson to add.
KID VERSION: Don't eat off of full plates of food left on the stove. IT MAKES MOM MAD.
ADULT VERSION: Don't leave full plates of food on the stove without wrapping in foil and labeling in BOLD! Do not turn into Harriet's Mom again!
Today was different.
This morning's wake up call was sooo smooth!
I'm on a roll!
I'm feeling great!
I hope that this lucky streak continues!
IT WILL. IT MUST...after all today is THURSDAY!!!!
Hip, hip, hooray! Should I do my Thursday chant? I really want to.
...If you pay attention to the sway in text, you'll see that I'm trying to change my tone as I chant.
Wow. I really need Friday.
...Ahhhh...That felt good.
I still can't get over the fact that my two youngest girls were in their room playing and fully dressed by 6:50!! YES...6:50!! This is close to unheard of. Did I mention that they did this on their own!
...But WAIT...There's more.

Addi got up early too.
Addi was in a good mood!
Addi got dressed no problem, with out grumbling.
If you ever have the pleasure of being in my home on a school day you'll quickly discover that this is a rarity. This my friends, is a God given miracle.
Our gorgeous, oldest darling daughter IS NOT. I repeat...IS NOT a morning person. She never has been and never will be. She's the grumpy old man of the family. Grace is our fluttery, morning sing star. She happily peruses her wardrobe, picking out the perfect wardrobe and accessories while managing to brush her hair and select multiple style options. Grace doesn't like to be labeled a "fashionista." SHE SAYS SHE'S JUST GRACE or if you prefer you can call her by "her second name...Gracie!" Chloe is our "cruisin" Queen. Chloe is "in the zone" every morning. She's got the routine down pat and gets faster every day! This morning she attempted to leave the house, by herself (remember she's five.) twenty minutes before the bus was due to arrive. If you've read my blog before you'lll note a pattern. This is what Chlo- Chlo does. I think she'll be out the door by 7 am playing in the yard by Spring.
Could she have a military career in the future?
Who knows... thankfully that's years down the road.
For now I'm focused on this happy, peaceful Thursday.
Wish me continued luck!
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