It was enough to make me wish for an addiction.
You know ---
That want of something -not-so-good-for-you... take "the edge" off.
By edge I speak of the above mentioned insanity, of course.
---OK. Bad Mommy Moment.---
Time to clear the head.
Take a deep breathe, through the nose, then out.
Again. Breathe.
Shake my head, push all non "PC" (politically correct) thoughts aside.
Keep on driving...
...Almost home.
It's Friday.
Did I tell you where I'm driving from? I don't believe that I have. It's not work. I took a half day today. No, I didn't do anything fun. I didn't have a relaxing afternoon at a spa. I had a doctor's appointment. A large piece from below my right breast was removed, on the upper most rib. Highly abnormal cells were dug out once again. Hopefully this will be the last. For now I have a not-so-lovely band of stitches and a HUGE padded gauze bandage over them. Even with SPF 45 every day I still have sun damage. I'm a total dork. my kids and I ALWAYS wear sunblock. I have been known to have them slather or spray it on during the middle of winter. Hey, UV rays are UV rays. They're always there. If I had been this cautious as a teenager I wouldn't be in this predicament. I can only hope that my girls treat their sunblock as part of their future beauty product routine. ---Every morning though. (I don't always wear make up.)
So, as I drive home from my "dig out and stitch" session all that I can think about is how tired I am and how sore I will be.
Smile, Mama, smile...
Oh, the things we do to create memorable, happy moments (key word being happy) for our children. A parent's love is endless.
...My oldest daughter just read over my shoulder and said," Oooh, Mom your writing!" She quoted,"A parents love is endless." Then she stated,"I don't get it."
I kissed her on the forehead and simply responded with," Don't worry someday you will."
She continued to quietly sit next to me on my bed. She was very pleased to be there, a fly on the "bed" while I wrote. Addison is a poet.
---Back to yesterday.
I'm home. Here come my lovely but restless children. They have been ready to party for hours. This dance was the buzz of first grade today. You weren't cool unless you were magically transforming into a cow-poke by 7pm. It was time to help the magic along. We piled into the Caravan with stuffed animals, drawing pads and snacks. I always feel as if I'm prepping for a weekend vacation while trying to get the kids out the door.
We were only going down the road to the party store.
But you can never be too prepared...especially when a 5, 6 or 9 year old has the need to draw...or eat.
Ahhh, but to the train station first.
The kids are very polite and understanding. One more.."Yay!"
We need to give Julia a ride. She is off to Boston for the weekend to visit a friend that lives there as an au pair. The "au pair connection" as we host families call it is an intricate web of young people. They fly, drive and "train it" all over to spend time with one another. It's a chance to see the country and reconnect with a little piece of your own home. Too bad our silly twenty year old is running from the chaos of our household only to vacation in another!
We were now off to the party store! Everyone was munching on the "car snacks."
Three little blond girls wearing cowboy hats and toting guns!
You read it correctly, guns.
I don't think that the Girl Scout Council imagined this as the outcome of the proposed dance theme.
I got to play the role of NON PC MOM.
...The woman who allows her children to carry vibrantly painted, plastic, suction cup shooting, unconcealed weapons!
Normally I'd rethink this, but today I said," What is a Cowgirl or boy with out a weapon? --A poor, defenseless soul.You really want them girls? $1.97! Sure."
Was it the pain over my rib making me delirious? I don't know. My girls were thrilled. Hey, I didn't choose the theme for the night's festivities.
They shook their booties.
I tried to shake mine.
They wielded their weapons and chased their friends.
They smiled and laughed.
So did I.
I can't fully describe how cute they all looked. The room was packed with pig tails, denim and dancing, riotous mini cowgirls.
If there were any moms in the crowd doubting my parenting skills or lack of, I didn't notice them. They masked their feelings well. There were nothing but smiles. I'm sure that someone is bound to bring it up at a PTA tea or brunch.
Oh well, no real harm done....
...and they fit the theme!
I also got to play "the squeaky wheel"Friday. This was a rare occasion... frustrating, and oddly fun but I'll save that one for another time.
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