Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pajama Drama and Brain Dead Tuesday

I was recently scolded by a close friend for not blogging the other night. I'm sorry. I was really exhausted.  Apparently coffee isn't the same unless you know what's going on in NY. To my "friend," you know who you are and this is for you. I write this out of love...and because, more impotantly I never want to mess up anyone's morning coffee again!

Saturday the girls, Jim, Marnee (my sister) and I all journeyed to Wal-Mart. This is the cheapest place on the planet to buy a bike. Now that Gracie can see she had decided that she wanted a bike just like her older and younger sisters. Chloe is now a pro after only 4 days two wheeling. This is typical. Chloe is daring and picks up on anything involving action at rapid speed. If it has wheels Chloe will master it. Addi has always  been a head of the curve with milestones. She was tying her shoelaces and riding a two wheeler at age 4. Unfortunately, she's not the safest kid on the block. For years neighbors and her friends have been casually approaching me out of love and concern for my oldest daughter's safety. I can't keep her in a plastic bubble but it would be nice. It would also be great is she'd stick to the side of the street rather than slowly find her way into the center while daydreaming. Daydreaming and biking don't mix on our street. They leave me visions of my kid SPLAT on the side of the road. Sorry if that was too graphic.

Grace is our common ground. Slow and steady wins the race as far as she's concerned. She'll always beat the turtle in the end...fair and square. That Saturday afternoon our Grace picked out the most hideous bright pink and purple unicorn clad bike that I have ever seen. -Complete with matching bell and helmet. Good 'ole Aunt Marnee dubbed her the Graciecorn! Have you ever imagined a sound track for someone before? Hers was definitely..." Do do dooo doooOOO...Gracie Corn!!!" We went to the park with all three bikes. The day was spent watching the kids ride in circles. Grace rode cautiously, ringing her bell to alert others that she was coming around the bend. Every now and then she'd get nervous and call out for help. She isn't used to being on a bicycle yet, even one with training wheels. Like everything else she'll learn how easily and she'll do it doubt. Chloe sped through the park like a demon...well, a demon in a blue helmet with cat ears! Cutest one I've ever seen. After five minutes on the bike she took out another kid. CRASH! NO tears...and thank God we were friends with her Dad. He and Jim used to crash into each other as kids too. Addi's time on her bike was spent role playing and making short films with Julia and Marnee. She is at a funny age. Relationships between men and women fascinate her. Her bike was transformed into a motorcycle and she became a pick up artist. We thoroughly enjoyed witnessing her version of a " Rico-Suave" tough guy. She really does act well. It was great! ...and caught on film. Future boyfriends beware. Jim and I played on the playground with our girls when they weren't on their bikes. Lets face it, being a parent allows us to  play as hard as our kids with the right to use our kids as the excuse...I mean, reason for our actions. Did I say excuse?! At one point "the safety patrol" slowed and waved a cautious hand our way. Were we naughty parents? Uhh..ohhh. Could it be that standing on the teeter totter, rocking really fast and testing your kids balance is a bad idea? or that spinning the "spinny thing" so fast that kids cling to the side of the red bowl-like structure isn't cool? No Way!!? No harm done...but the kids weren't as happy when Mom and Dad toned it down.

My sister made gorgeous cupcakes with the girls that night. I love it when my little sister visits. She is the best aunt ever. She takes pure delight in spending time with her nieces and baking with them. They love their Aunt Marnee time too. They love their Jerry time even more. He's her 7 lb. Chihuahua. They are usually a package deal. I love him...but small animals that climb on table tops, laps and couches freak me out. Sorry Marn. This is why we have a lab. I can handle weekends with the little rat dog. He's super cute, thankfully pees outside (90% of the time), allows my kids to put doll dresses on him and has become our dog's best friend (Lightning needs a friend). This weekend was Jerry free. That was ok. It was full of kids with cello injuries, new bikes, kids who just learned to ride bikes, baking and Beauty and the Beast. We also had a killer turkey dinner that the hubby cooked. Did I mention that he timed our Sunday movie to coincide with the cooking of the turkey? PERFECT timing too! Chloe now insists that Sundays are special for family time and Daddy dinners where we eat good food. What does that make my food?

Before I knew it the weekend was over and it was back to the grind. Monday morning the girls awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs. They were smiling! PARENTS OF THE WORLD I KNOW THE SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL WAKE UP RITUALS... Get up a half hour early and cook! Something about the smell of breakfast or  cookies baking makes 'em wake with a smile. Then there's something yummy to eat or stuff into the lunch box. PERFECT!! Double whammy. (speaking of it's close to midnight and I have to make lunches!!) Yesterday my girls were up, dressed and ready to go by 7:20. -a minor miracle in our house. We had to talk Chloe out of leaving for the bus stop. She was way too early. Again,...she wasn't happy about this. You know all she was thinking about was the fact that a kid from down the road would beat her there. Chlo - Chlo must be first in line every day. She has taken Grace's spot at the bus stop and is proud. Grace took the time to brush her hair again and again. As Grace checked her self out in the middle I saw a glimmer of satisfaction sneak across her face. The brush went in a low drawer to await it's next mission. I was in the middle of congratulating the kids when Julia looked at the calendar..."Wait, isn't it pajama day?" "No. they wouldn't do that to us on a Monday," I replied. BUT THEY HAD!!!!


Addi didn't believe me and insisted on calling her best friend to confirm. Even with the confirmation her motto is...TRUST NO ONE. I am the first to fall into the NO ONE category with my daughter. She was on the verge of panic attack. Her sisters were thrilled and 1/2 re-pajama'ed. She was close to tears and fearing that like the horrible "nude alone dream" she'd have her own "pajama alone" version. I stayed calm and tried to soothe and reassure her. I looked at the clock...7:35 already. The gloves came off. I felt terrible as I hustled my nervous child out the door, throwing her favorite shirt into her back pack...just in case she wanted to change out of the p.j.'s. I kept giving her pep talks as we walked down the driveway...' Yes. Everyone else will be in pajamas...almost everyone." "Don't worry...of course________ was right. She always knows about this stuff." If you've ever had a panic attack you know that thinking about the issue or even subtly linking it into conversation makes it worse. I knew that nothing that I said would make it better. Addi just had to "ride through it." She'd be ok in the end.

I made it to school on time. The girls got on the bus, went to school and came home happily. We had survived Pajama Drama. Monday is over. Thank goodness for Gymnastic Tuesdays....a mildly hectic, brain dead day.

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